Browsing AURA by Title
Now showing items 21-40 of 13120
8. trinn elevers første møte med tekstprogrammering
(Master thesis, 2023)Programmering er fortsatt nytt i skolen, men inntil nå har hovedsakelig blokkprogrammering blitt brukt. Likevel er blokkprogrammering stort sett bare brukt i grunnskolen, og fra videregående og utover i arbeidslivet er det ... -
8.trinn elevers første møte med tekstprogrammering
(Master thesis, 2023)Programmering er fortsatt nytt i skolen, men inntil nå har hovedsakelig blokkprogrammering blitt brukt. Likevel er blokkprogrammering stort sett bare brukt i grunnskolen, og fra videregående og utover i arbeidslivet er det ... -
§9A – elevers rett til et trygt og godt skolemiljø. Hvordan oppfatter lærere egen rolle i §9A-saker i Vennesla kommune?
(Master thesis, 2023)Elever skal ha det trygt og godt på skolen. Det er skolens og lærerens oppgave å sørge for at elevenes skolemiljø er tilfredsstillende. Opplæringslovens §9A er laget for å sikre elevene et godt skolemiljø. Den beskriver ... -
A battery and network usage model for smartphones
(Master thesis, 2012)Smartphones have emerged into platforms with powerful computational capabilities that generate large amount of data. Smartphones have become an important part of our daily life and we use smartphones more frequently than ... -
A Behavioural Mean – Expected Shortfall Solution to the Asset Allocation Puzzle and the Time Diversification Puzzle
(Master thesis, 2018)Konfidensiell til / confidential until 01.01.2024 -
A Capital Model for Disaster Resilience
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016) -
A case study of a Village Saving and Loan Association and its relation to poverty reduction among rural households in Kyabakara, Uganda
(Master thesis, 2015)Village Savings and Loan Association, (VSLA) is a microcredit financial service program which was launched in 1991 by CARE International. Today, the methodology has appealed to most rural poor populations and Sub Saharan ... -
A Case Study of the Technology Use and Information Flow at a Hospital-driven Telemedicine Service
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Health care services face the challenge of providing individualised treatment to a growing ageing population prone to chronic conditions and multi-morbidities. The research project Patients and Professionals in Productive ... -
A Churn prediction model based on gaussian processes
(Master thesis, 2013)The telecommunication’s market has changed to a saturated one during the past few years. This makes it relatively costly to acquire new customers than to retain existing ones. Recent research has further showed that ... -
A Cluster Analysis of Stock Market Data Using Hierarchical SOMs
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2016)The analysis of stock markets has become relevant mainly because of its financial implications. In this paper, we propose a novel methodology for performing a structured cluster analysis of stock market data. Our proposed ... -
A cluster randomized web-based intervention trial to reduce food neophobia and promote healthy diets among one-year-old children in kindergarten : study protocol
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background: A child’s first years of life are crucial for cognitive development and future health. Studies show that a varied diet with a high intake of vegetables is positive for both weight and cognitive development. The ... -
A co-writing development approach to wikis: Pedagogical issues and implications
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Wikis are promoted as collaborative writing tools that allow students to transform a text into a collective document by information sharing and group reflection. However, despite the promising collaborative capabilities ... -
A collaborative writing approach to wikis: Design, implementation, and evaluation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Wikis provide teachers with potentially significant opportunities for creating socially engaged tasks that require active student participation and collaboration. Wikis allow students to work together to develop content ... -
A Comparative Analysis of Alternative Portfolio Insurance Strategies
(Master thesis, 2018)Literature within the field of Portfolio Insurance (PI) provides no clear evidence for or against the usefulness of implementing PI strategies. The goal of this thesis is to investigate the real- life performance, using ... -
A Comparative Analysis of Micro Finances: An Economic Impact of Micro Finance upon Income Level of People in Kavrepalanchok District, Nepal
(Master thesis, 2016)Micro Finance, one of the essential banking services providing institution has a major contribution upon the economic development of people and nation. It targets mostly to low income generating people and assist them ... -
A comparative study of volatility forecasting models
(Master thesis, 2014)The purpose of this thesis is to investigate which of the selected models that forecasts the out-of-sample volatility most accurate and to see if the regression based models can outperform the historical volatility models. ... -
A comparison of database systems for rapid search results in large amounts of leaked data
(Master thesis, 2019)A large portion of the information on the Internet is stored in databases, since databases arethe natural place among online services for storage of user information. Hackers occasionallybreach web sites and publish ... -
A comparison of disease burden in rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and axial spondyloarthritis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015) -
A comparison of force-, velocity- and balanced training approach on force-velocity mechanical outputs and vertical jump height – of national level athletes during a competitive season
(Master thesis, 2019)INTRODUKSJON.Optimalisering av muskulær power-produksjon har blitt vurderttil å være en essensiell del av prestasjon i ulike idretter, men det foreligger lite litteratur på utøvere på nasjonalt nivå. På bakgrunn av ...