Browsing AURA by Title
Now showing items 8767-8786 of 12729
P.I. Tchaikovsky Concerto for violin and orchestra, op. 35
(Master thesis, 2012) -
Packet Aggregation in TelosB WSNs: Design, Implementation and Experiments
(Master thesis, 2016)WSN is an extensive field of research and a core technology which is adopted for monitoring and data assembling, used in various applications. Traditionally in a WSN, communication is performed in the fashion of single ... -
Pain in Adolescence: Maternal and Paternal Factors Affecting Adolescents’ Pain in Norway—A Cross-Sectional Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: Pain in adolescence is considered a worldwide concern. Adolescents’ pain affects family functioning. However, bidirectional associations should be considered as parental determinates such as pain, stress, and ... -
Painful Practice : A study of the prevention and treatment of strain injuries in the world of a violinist
(Master thesis, 2017)Strain injuries are a common problem among violinists. The aim of this study was to collect information about different treatment methods, and whether or not they worked. Through two surveys and a personal, empirical ... -
Palliative care in Ethiopia’s rural and regional health care settings: a qualitative study of enabling factors and implementation challenges
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Palliative care is limited in Ethiopia, particularly in rural areas, where more than 78% of the population live. Current initiatives and research are focused on urban settings and are primarily donor dependent. This study ... -
Pandemic prevention and personality psychology: Gender differences in preventive health behaviors during COVID-19 and the roles of agreeableness and conscientiousness
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)One of the greatest public health crises in recent times, the COVID-19 pandemic, has come with a myriad of challenges in terms of health communication and public cooperation to prevent the spread of the disease. Understanding ... -
Pandemihåndtering i barnehagene: Fra prinsipper til praksis
(Master thesis, 2022)I mars 2020 ble det konstatert at det var en global krise som ville vise seg å skape utfordringer og omstillinger i virksomheter verden over. I Norge ble, blant mange andre smitteverntiltak, barnehager og skoler stengt, ... -
Pandemihåndtering i barnehagene: Fra prinsipper til praksis
(Master thesis, 2022)I mars 2020 ble det konstatert at det var en global krise som ville vise seg å skape utfordringer og omstillinger i virksomheter verden over. I Norge ble, blant mange andre smitteverntiltak, barnehager og skoler stengt, ... -
Pandemihåndtering i barnehagene: Fra prinsipper til praksis
(Master thesis, 2022)Sammendrag I mars 2020 ble det konstatert at det var en global krise som ville vise seg å skape utfordringer og omstillinger i virksomheter verden over. I Norge ble, blant mange andre smitteverntiltak, barnehager og skoler ... -
" Pappa kom hjem" En diskursanalyse av debatten om fedrekvoten
(Master thesis, 2014)Denne masteroppgaven handler om de sentrale diskursene i debatten om fedrekvoten. I arbeidet med oppgaven har jeg fått innblikk i hvilke kollektive oppfatninger som finnes i debatten, hvordan konflikten mellom disse arter ... -
A Paradigm Shift From an Experimental-Based to a Simulation-Based Framework Using Motion-Capture Driven MIMO Radar Data Synthesis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The development of radar-based classifiers driven by empirical data can be highly demanding and expensive due to the unavailability of radar data. In this article, we introduce an innovative simulation-based approach that ... -
The paradox of remote work: When employee wishes and wellbeing collide
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic has witnessed a surge in remote work, ushering in a ‘new normal’ whose nuances and ramifications are yet to be fully understood. In a recent study, leveraging data from a large ... -
The Paradox of Skill in Norwegian Mutual Funds
(Master thesis, 2020)This thesis examines Norwegian mutual funds’ performance, and specifically whether that performance is due to luck or skill under the null hypothesis of no true performance. We use an extensive dataset of 107 Norwegian ... -
Paradoxes and coping mechanisms in the servitisation journey
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Paraidrettsutøveres erfaringer med kroppsøving og idrett- og bevegelsesaktiviter på fritiden
(Master thesis, 2024)Tidligere forskning indikerer at personer med funksjonsnedsettelser ofte erfarer å bli marginalisert og ekskludert i kroppsøving. Samtidig viser forskning at elever med gode idrettslige ferdigheter har gode erfaringer med ... -
Paraidrettsutøveres erfaringer med kroppsøving og idrett- og bevegelsesaktiviteter på fritiden
(Master thesis, 2024)Tidligere forskning indikerer at personer med funksjonsnedsettelser ofte erfarer å bli marginalisert og ekskludert i kroppsøving. Samtidig viser forskning at elever med gode idrettslige ferdigheter har gode erfaringer med ...