Browsing AURA by Title
Now showing items 881-900 of 12745
Baccalaureate nursing students’ experiences of how the COVID-19 pandemic infuenced learning – a mixed method study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background The COVID-19 pandemic mandated the reconstruction of educational programs globally. For nursing students in need of practical learning and training as a part of their curriculum, the pandemic also caused ... -
Bachelor hi- 221
(Bachelor thesis, 2023) -
Back to the Future? : Planning for uncertainty. A call for bridging the security and development communities
(Master thesis, 2020)We currently see a foreign policy environment that is becoming more complex and volatile. Cyber is now established as a frequently used tool in foreign policy. Its disruptive qualities are concerning in terms of its ... -
Back-propagation artificial neural network for ERP adoption cost estimation
(Communications in Computer and Information Science;220, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2011)Small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) are greatly affected by cost escalations and overruns Reliable cost factors estimation and management is a key for the success of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems adoptions ... -
Background noise classification and denoising of audio signals utilizing empirical wavelet transform and deep learning
(Master thesis, 2021)The importance of sound and speech cannot in human life cannot be overstated. Ambient sound informs us about our surroundings and warn us of potential dangers, such as a car approaching from behind. One of the most common ... -
Backlash Identification in Two-Mass Systems by Delayed Relay Feedback
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019) -
Backlash in slew bearings : the advantages of an all-electric drive system
(Master thesis, 2012)Konfidensiell til / confidential until 01.07.2017 -
(Master thesis, 2022)Hensikt: Denne masteroppgaven tar sikte på å finne nøkkeldrivere og et konkurransefortrinn for Backshoring til Norge, hvor fokus er nøkkeldriverne: kvalitet og kontroll relatert, og bedrifters konkurranseevne. Teori: ... -
Backshoring - The new competetive advantage for Norwegian companies?
(Master thesis, 2022) -
Bacterial diversity within and outside the premises of a South Norwegian salmon fish farm
(Master thesis, 2021)Norwegian salmon farming is a rapidly expanding sector and the Norwegian Government have a set goal to facilitate a five-fold growth towards 2050. Organic enrichment of the surrounding waters and the sediment below the ... -
Bacterioplankton dynamics driven by interannual and spatial variation in diatom and dinoflagellate spring bloom communities in the Baltic Sea
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)In parts of the Baltic Sea, the phytoplankton spring bloom communities, commonly dominated by diatoms, are shifting toward the co-occurrence of diatoms and dinoflagellates. Although phytoplankton are known to shape the ... -
Bacterioplankton dynamics driven by interannual and spatial variation in diatom and dinoflagellate spring bloom communities in the Baltic Sea
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Bakerens sønner sulter? : hvordan bruker kommunikasjonsbyråer egne nettsider for å profilere identitet og ønsket image?
(Master thesis, 2013)Temaet for denne oppgaven er å undersøke hvordan kommunikasjonsbyråer bruker egne nettsider for å profilere identitet og ønsket image. Problemstillingen tar for seg i hvilken grad det er samsvar mellom identitet, ønsket ... -
Bakkebyråkraters relasjonsbygging med flyktninger
(Master thesis, 2023)Denne masteroppgaven utforsker relasjonsbyggingen mellom bakkebyråkrater og flyktninger, med særlig vekt på påvirkningen av arbeidsbetingelsene. Jeg undersøker temaet ved å søke svar på følgende problemstilling: På hvilken ... -
Bakkekontakt Dialoger med jord i kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid
(Master thesis, 2022)Sammendrag Dette masterprosjektet handler om tilnærming til jord i kunstnerisk arbeid. Det er et kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid hvor jeg gjennom ulike metoder og teorier har forsøkt å finne en stemme som skulle romme både ... -
Balanced difficulty task finder: an adaptive recommendation method for learning tasks based on the concept of state of flow
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Balanced scorecard as a strategic management tool : the case of Seagull AS
(Master thesis, 2003)Can investments in IT help a company to achieve its overall strategy and vision? Research over several years has resulted in mixed findings but several studies shows that the IT investments actually can result in better ... -
Balanced scorecard i Durapart AS : en studie av balanced scorecard i en attføringsbedrift
(Master thesis, 2008)Temaet for utredningen er Balanced Scorecard, også på norsk kalt balansert målstyring, på toppledernivå og avdelingsnivå i attføringsbedriften Durapart AS. Robert S. Kaplan og David P. Norton har laget en modell, Balanced ... -
Balanced Scorecards effekt på finansielle resultater : en analyse av Balanced Scorecards betydning for bankers finansielle resultater- vil en implementering av Balanced Scorecard i en bank ha en positiv effekt på bankers finansielle resultater?
(Master thesis, 2011)Denne studien analyserer effekten av implementeringen av Balanced Scorecard i norske banker. Dette er den første studien som studerer om en implementering av Balanced Scorecard har noe å si for bankens finansielle resultater. ...