Balanced scorecard as a strategic management tool : the case of Seagull AS
Can investments in IT help a company to achieve its overall strategy and vision?
Research over several years has resulted in mixed findings but several studies
shows that the IT investments actually can result in better performance for
companies. To achieve this it is important to align the IT investments with the
overall business strategy and vision.
The aim of this thesis is to see how Porter’s theories on competitive strategy and
Kaplan and Norton’s Balanced scorecard can help the company to specify an IT
system for the Operations department. The main idea is that the IT investment will
support the overall strategy and vision of the company and create better overall
Kaplan and Norton introduced Balanced Scorecard in 1992. The Balanced
scorecard is a performance measurement method and also a strategic management
tool having four different perspectives to the success of a company. The Balanced
Scorecard does not only focus on financial performance, but also includes nonfinancial
performance measures and objectives driving towards better performance.
The main results of the thesis were that the problems of the company were
identified and the corporate vision and strategic objectives were clarified.
Objectives and targets at corporate, departmental and technology level have been
developed to increase overall performance.
The main conclusion of this thesis is that in the case of Seagull AS the Balanced
Scorecard can help the company to create better performance. The Balanced
Scorecard can help the Operations department to invest in an IT system that
supports the overall strategic objectives of the company.
Masteroppgave i informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi 2003 - Høgskolen i Agder, Grimstad
Høgskolen i AgderAgder University College