Browsing AURA by Title
Now showing items 4684-4703 of 13139
Gabriels åpenbaring (Hazon Gabriel) – en moderne forfalskning?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015) -
GAKIC og kreatin-supplement ved gjentatte sprintløp
(Master thesis, 2015)Studiens formål var å undersøke om Glycin-Arginin-alpha ketoisocaproisk syre (GAKIC) har tilsvarende prestasjonsfremmende effekt som kreatin på gjentatte maksimale sprintløp hos mannlige elitehåndballspillere. Disse to ... -
Game changer or status quo? Exploring developments in the political discourse and public opinion on the EU in Norway after the outbreak of the full-scale war in Ukraine
(Master thesis, 2023)The outbreak of the full-scale war in Ukraine, February 24, 2022, drastically changed the security environment in Europe. As a response to the war, the EU have taken a number of unprecedented measures, as well as several ... -
Game-based learning in Norwegian classrooms : Perceived challenges and the potential of digital supplementary resources to facilitate the use of games as teaching tools
(Master thesis, 2018)Games are a popular form of entertainment that can keep individuals motivated and engaged for hours at a time. Our motivations to sink multiple hours into playing games have been studied by researchers, instructional ... -
Gaming and its effect on students’ confidence in oral English
(Master thesis, 2024)Playing games has predominantly gone from just entertainment and an outlet for children to have fun, to seeing the learning opportunities for which the games can be used. This thesis used a mixed-methods approach to find ... -
Gaming for language learning: Something to do in schools? What kinds of games and how they can be used in the English classroom to facilitate language learning: a teacher’s guide.
(Master thesis, 2020)Gaming can aid in language learning, and this thesis researches the current pedagogical beliefs and attitudes towards gaming based on survey and interview answers from English teachers in Norway .A mixed-methods approach ... -
Gaming in the English Classroom
(Master thesis, 2022)The purpose of this study was to investigate how gaming can function as a learning tool in a 10th-grade class in Norway. This includes an intervention in the classroom, along with an examination of students and teachers ... -
Gaming motivation and well-being among Norwegian adult gamers: the role of gender and disability
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Introduction: Digital gaming is a popular and often social activity, also among adults. However, we need more knowledge of the social dynamics of gaming and its potential benefits for one's well-being. The current study ... -
Gamingliteracy i skolen: En kvalitativ studie av kva slags gamingliteracy ein treng for å spele tre populære videospel, og implikasjonar dette kan ha i norskfaget
(Master thesis, 2024)Samandrag Dei tre mest populære videospela for norske barn i alderen 9-12 år, Roblox, Fortnite og Minecraft, er spel med svært lite innslag av narrativ, og stor fridom for spelaren til å velje korleis han vil spele spela. ... -
Garderobekultur blant jenter i kroppsøving : hvordan opplever jentene dusj- og garderobepraksisen i kroppsøvingsundervisningen på ungdomsskolen?
(Master thesis, 2016)Bakgrunn Kroppsøvingsfaget har en potensiell helseverdi og kan være en viktig bidragsyter i å forbedre folkehelsen. Kroppsøving kan gi opplevelser som skaper bevegelsesglede og positive holdninger til en fysisk aktiv ... -
Garderobesituasjonen i ungdomsskolen : hvilke opplevelser har gutter av dusj- og garderobepraksisen i kroppsøving?
(Master thesis, 2016)Denne studien har som hensikt å få en innsikt i hvordan gutter i ungdomsskolen opplever dusj- og garderobepraksis i skolen. Undersøkelser viser at i løpet av de siste ti årene har det blitt færre og færre elever som benytter ... -
Gas-Atomized Nickel Silicide Powders Alloyed with Molybdenum, Cobalt, Titanium, Boron, and Vanadium for Additive Manufacturing
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Nickel silicides (NiSi) are renowned for their ability to withstand high temperatures and resist oxidation and corrosion in challenging environments. As a result, these alloys have garnered interest for potential applications ... -
Gassemboli ved hysteroskopisk kirurgi
(Master thesis, 2022)Bakgrunn Venøs gassemboli kan oppstå under hysteroskopi og medføre akutte hemodynamiske forandringer som kan ha fatale følger. Det finnes få prosedyrer som omtaler forebyggende, identifiserende eller behandlende tiltak ... -
Gateakademiet : fra status som "drop-out" til ungdom med ambisjoner
(Master thesis, 2011)Gateakademiet (GA) er et alternativt kvalifiseringstilbud for ungdom mellom 16 og 25 år som mangler det tilbudet de ønsker seg innen utdanning eller arbeid. GA var 10 år i august 2010 og opplever i økende grad å lykkes ... -
Gateway security between Bluetooth and GSM/GPRS
(Master thesis, 2002)The amount of wireless technologies is getting bigger and wider. It is more and more common in everyday use for a huge amount of the people. A cellular phone is something that everyone got in addition to normal access ... -
Gågater i Risør : En studie av hvordan gågater kan endre Risør sentrum for næringsliv, befolkningen og besøkende
(Master thesis, 2021)For several decades’ pedestrian streets in the center of Risør, where the shops are located, have been discussed. There has been disagreement about the significance of pedestrian streets for shoppers and shops. The trade ... -
Gården som alternativ læringsarena for elever på ungdomstrinnet
(Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder;no. 497, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Den overordnede problemstillingen som jeg svarer på i mitt avhandlingsarbeid er: Hvordan erfarer elever på 9. og 10. trinn, skoleansatte og gårdbrukere, gård– skole-tilbud? Enkelte elever som har utfordringer med ... -
Gården som arena for tilpasset opplæring: Erfaringer med gård–skole-tilbud i et inkluderingsperspektiv
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Tilpasset opplæring på gårdsbruk én eller flere dager i uken er et tilbud til enkelte elever på ungdomstrinnet som har vansker med å nyttiggjøre seg ordinær opplæring i klassen. I lys av teori om inkludering har vi undersøkt ... -
Gender and entrepreneurial intentions
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2014)The paper identifies commonalities and differences between women and men in terms of eleven key factors’ impact on the formation of entrepreneurial intentions (EIs) among Norwegian students. The analysis is based on a ... -
Gender and Labour in the Music Industry : An exploration into why the music industry has a gender problem and what can be done to change it
(Master thesis, 2016)While numbers are missing, it has become clear over the past decade that the music industry is a place of far-reaching gender imbalance in the form of gender segregation. This paper aims to look at why this is the case, ...