Browsing AURA by Title
Now showing items 6984-7003 of 13120
L'emploi des temps du subjonctif chez Françoise Sagan : reflet du passé ou témoin de l'évolution ?
(Forskningsserien, Peer reviewed; Book, 1998) -
«La draum bli røyndom»: En studie av norske distriktskommuners kommunikasjon til potensielle tilflyttere
(Master thesis, 2024)I denne oppgaven har vi undersøkt distriktskommuners kommunikasjon til potensielle tilflyttere. Distrikts-Norges befolkningsnedgang og økende andel eldre innbyggere har negative konsekvenser for kommunenes økonomi og ... -
«La draum bli røyndom»: En studie av norske distriktskommuners kommunikasjon til potensielle tilflyttere
(Master thesis, 2024)I denne oppgaven har vi undersøkt distriktskommuners kommunikasjon til potensielle tilflyttere. Distrikts-Norges befolkningsnedgang og økende andel eldre innbyggere har negative konsekvenser for kommunenes økonomi og ... -
"La oss håpe vi er onde på bunnen" : en undersøkelse av sannhets- og skjønnhetsbegrepet i "Usynlige hender" og "Gjennom natten" i lys av Marcus skjønnhetsbegrepet i "Usynlige hender" og "Gjennom natten" i lys av Marcus skjønnhetsbegrepet i "Usynlige hender" og "Gjennom natten" i lys av Marcus skjønnhetsbegrepet i "Usynlige hender" og "Gjennom natten" i lys av Marcus
(Master thesis, 2014)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker hvordan man kan forstå sannhets- og skjønnhetsbegrepet i to av Stig Sæterbakkens bøker; Usynlige hender1 og Gjennom natten. For å gjøre dette har jeg valgt å undersøke Marcus Jacob Monrad, ... -
Labor Integration in Rural Norway : What are the main barriers to refugees accessing employment in small Norwegian municipalities?
(Master thesis, 2020)Recent figures of people seeking refuge have been unprecedented in history. As the number of refugees has increased, so have the debates about their integration in the host countries, particularly their ... -
Labor integration policies in Norway
(Master thesis, 2022)Worldwide, millions of refugees and migrants are crossing borders, seeking to flee economic, social, cultural, and political inequality and violence, and looking for a better life. As the world continues to face challenges ... -
Laboratory mathematics: learning equations with a double-winch as a tool
(Master thesis, 2014)Many studies show that algebra is perceived by pupils as an abstract, difficult to understand subject with almost no connections to every-day reality. Therefore, the motivation for this research was to find out what helps ... -
Laboratory-based study of viscoelastic, viscoplastic and fatigue damage of asphalt concrete
(Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder; no. 466, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Asphalt concrete is one of the most important road building materials worldwide. This material exhibits unique chemical, physical and mechanical properties. The most well-known mechanical properties are the viscoelastic, ... -
The lamination machine and laminating as thing-power in early childhood pedagogical practice
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Land Body Ecologies : The London hub
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This photo essay and accompanying text visualize and represent the work that was based in London, UK of a collective project called Land Body Ecologies (LBE), a global transdisciplinary network exploring the deep ... -
Land Body Ecologies: A case study for global transdisciplinary collaboration at the intersections of environment and mental health
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Land Body Ecologies (LBE) is a global, transdisciplinary research group seeking to understand the mental health dimensions of minority, Indigenous and other land-dependent communities’ relationship to ecologies in a changing ... -
Landing gear suspension control through adaptive backstepping techniques with H∞ performance
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2011)Landing gear suspension systems fulfill the tasks of absorbing the vertical energy of the touch-down as well as providing passenger and crew comfort with a smooth ground ride before take-off and after landing. They are ... -
Landrisiko i multinasjonale selskaper : en kvalitativ studie av tre store norske selskaper
(Master thesis, 2013)Uavhengig av aktiviteter, bransje eller investeringer så vil det å forstå landrisiko være essensielt når selskaper velger å operere utenfor Norges landegrenser. Denne oppgaven har derfor som hensikt å studere og beskrive ... -
Landsskytterstevnets suksesskriterier og suksessfaktorer
(Master thesis, 2012)Utgangspunktet for denne oppgaven er å se på hvordan Landsskytterstevnet planlegges og gjennomføres. Oppgaven har som mål å finne ut hva som bidar til at arrangementet blir en suksess og derfor kunne si noe om hva arrangører ... -
Landtimescaping with Rossedalen: A/r/tographic fieldwork with a landscape in Southern Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article develops and explores ‘landtimescaping’ as an a/r/tographic practice that can help us as humans to expand and (re-)create our relationships to the Land. Through a/r/tographic fieldwork in Rossedalen, a valley ... -
Language and communication in international students’ adaptation: a bibliometric and content analysis review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This article systematically reviews the literature (313 articles) on language and communication in international students’ cross-cultural adaptation in institutions of higher education for 1994–2021. We used bibliometric ... -
A Language and Platform Independent Co-Simulation Framework Based on the Functional Mock-Up Interface
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The main goal of the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) standard is to allow the sharing of simulation models across tools. To accomplish this, FMI relies on a combination of XML-files and compiled C-code packaged in a zip ... -
A Language and Platform Independent Co-Simulation Framework Based on the Functional Mock-Up Interface
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The main goal of the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) standard is to allow the sharing of simulation models across tools. To accomplish this, FMI relies on a combination of XML-files and compiled C-code packaged in a zip ... -
Language Detection and Tracking in Multilingual Documents Using Weak Estimators
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2010)This paper deals with the extremely complicated problem of language detection and tracking in real-life electronic (for example, in Word-of-Mouth (WoM)) applications, where various segments of the text are written in ...