Browsing AURA by Title
Now showing items 1228-1247 of 12714
Born Globals and Brand Co-Creation : The Stakeholder’s Role in Brand Co-Creation of Born Globals in Germany
(Master thesis, 2021)Purpose–This thesis tries to shed some light on the impact of brand co-creation in born globals. In particular, it will examine how born globals can make use of brand co-creation and how stakeholders influence brand ... -
Born to Score? The Relationship between Left-Handedness and Success from the 7-Meter Line
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in Ixodes ricinus ticks collected from migratory birds in Southern Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)BACKGROUND:Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l.) are the causative agent for Lyme borreliosis (LB), the most common tick-borne disease in the northern hemisphere. Birds are considered important in the global dispersal of ... -
Borte bra, men hjemme best? Kommunalt ansattes perspektiver og forventninger til kommunesammenslåing
(Master thesis, 2015)Norge står overfor en større kommunereform som sannsynligvis vil innebære stor grad av kommunesammenslåinger. Dette er kommunesammenslåinger som sannsynligvis vil få konsekvenser for tusenvis av kommuneansatte. Hvilke ... -
Bortvalg av videregående skole og mestringstro : En kvalitativ studie av unge jenter som har valgt å slutte på videregående skole
(Master thesis, 2017)The projects background is a request from the University of Agder to look for reasons why some girls may choose to drop out of high school focusing on their relationship with their contact or main teacher. The purpose ... -
Bosetting og integrering av flyktninger i norske kommuner- Hvilken effekt har sosial kapital?
(Master thesis, 2018)Denne oppgaven undersøker sosial kapital sin effekt på bosettingsvilje og integrering av flyktninger i norske kommuner. Formålet med studien er todelt. For det første gjør den det mulig å undersøke ... -
Botrening som bindeledd mellom institusjon og egen bolig - på vei til et rusfritt liv : En kvalitativ studie om muligheter og utfordringer i et botreningstilbud, og betydningen dette tilbudet kan ha for livet etter rusbehandling
(Master thesis, 2018)Background: The transition from inpatient treatment to own accommodation, the so-called “backsliding zone”, should according to research and experience happen as a gradual process where each individual gets more increasing ... -
Bound by society: Social identity in A Room with a View and The Rainbow
(Master thesis, 2021)The thesis presents a reading of the modernist novels The Rainbow (1915) by D.H. Lawrence and A Room with a View (1908) by E.M. Forster with a view at highlighting the factors that contribute to the formation of characters’ ... -
Bounded approximation properties via integral and nuclear operators
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Let X be a Banach space and let A be a Banach operator ideal. We say that X has the lambda-bounded approximation property for A (lambda-BAP for A) if for every Banach space Y and every operator T is an element of A(X, Y), ... -
Brain Play Some psychological perspectives in flute performance training
(Master thesis, 2015)Both the field of psychology and that of neurology can provide important insights into the musical functions of the brain. This thesis aims to provide a pragmatic theory of how to incorporate aspects of these fields into ... -
Branch-Manoeuvring Capable Pipe Cleaning Robot for Aquaponic Systems
(Communications in Computer and Information Science;1616, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)Aquaponic systems are engineered ecosystems combining aquaculture and plant production. Nutrient rich water is continuously circulating through the system from aquaculture tanks. A biofilter with nitrifying bacteria breaks ... -
Brand hate as an influencing factor on consumer behavior: A Nebraska study.
(Master thesis, 2023)This research analyzes brand hate and consumption in Nebraska, USA, an area known for its agricultural importance. For several reasons, consumption is an issue that is very significant to today's society everywhere. To ... -
Brand Identity and Country of Origin Effect Brand Identity of Ararat Armenian Brandies. COO effect on wine from Armenia
(Master thesis, 2015)The thesis has two main purposes. First, it provides an understanding on the brand identity theory, the process of its creation and communication. Particularly it discusses the implementation of the brand identity theory ... -
Branding in Social Media: A Bibliometric Analysis
(Master thesis, 2022) -
Branding in social media: A bibliometric Analyssi
(Master thesis, 2022)To have a clearer insight into how branding has evolved over the past ten years (2012-2022) in social media, a comprehensive bibliographic analysis is conducted on selected papers in the journals included in Web of Science ... -
Brannmotstanden til fiberkompositter etter slagskade : Numerisk analyse med beregning for å se endringen i kapasitet til fiberarmerte kompositter under høy temperatur etter at det har blitt utsatt for en slagskade
(Master thesis, 2017)Fiber reinforced composites have many good properties, but also many applications that make it vulnerable to accidental loads, like impact damage and fire. The problem with this is that minor and larger damage can be ... -
Brannslukning i Sportsklubben Brann
(Master thesis, 2024)En kvalitativ innholdsanalyse av Sportsklubben Branns krisekommunikasjon under «nachspiel-skandalen», gjennom NRK Vestlands artikler fra 2021. -
Breakfast and school lunch as pathways for enhancing educational outcomes and promoting public health
(Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder; 375, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Health and education are closely linked. Healthy students are suggested to be better learners (3). Healthy behaviors, including healthy diets, physical activity, and sufficient sleep, might provide optimal conditions for ... -
Breaking off the engagement : A case study about the decision to stand alone in a time of mergers in the Higher Education sector
(Master thesis, 2019)The development in the Higher Education (HE) sector hasfor the past decade been characterized by structural changes in form of government-initiated mergers. The aim of such structural changes was to enhance the quality by ... -
Breaking the Fast: Examining sex differences in resistance training performance following semi-solid breakfast meals consisting of carbohydrate, fat and a viscous placebo: A counterbalanced crossover trial
(Master thesis, 2024)Purpose: The study aimed to compare sex differences in resistance training performance following semi-solid breakfast meals with different compositions while controlling for placebo effects from meal consumption. Methods: ...