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dc.contributor.advisorDrange, Eli-Marie D.
dc.contributor.authorTorkildsen, Rebecca
dc.description.abstractGrammar is an important part of the process of language acquisition, and this thesis investigates the hypothesis regarding subject-verb agreement being the bottleneck of second language acquisition. My study is conducted on the data provided by the research group TRAWL, comprised by 19 participants who have handed in texts in both L2 English and L3 Spanish during their years of English and Spanish instruction enrolled in either lower- or upper secondary schools around Norway. Afterward, I handpicked the data from TRAWL necessary for my sub corpus and investigation. From there, I analyzed the data manually, and then I discussed the results. The goal with my thesis was to investigate whether or not subject-verb agreement was indeed the bottleneck in L2 acquisition, as there are studies who have looked at morphosyntax in different aspects, which led me to assume that I would find many S-V agreement errors produced by L1 Norwegian learners in both the L2 English and the L3 Spanish. My results show that L1 Norwegian learners of L2 English and L3 Spanish in Norwegian lower- and upper secondary schools do produce SVA agreement errors in the respective languages. However, the results do not confirm the theory that subject-verb agreement is the bottleneck of L2 acquisition. However, the results indicate that within SVA, pupils make the most omission errors in L2 English production. In Spanish however, the results show that 40% of the errors are due to overgeneralization errors, where the pupils use plural subject, but fail to inflect the verb according to the subject.
dc.publisherUniversity of Agder
dc.titleSubject-Verb Agreement Errors in English L2 and Spanish L3 of L1 Norwegian Learners
dc.typeMaster thesis

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