Modellbasert prosjektgjennomføring av VA-anlegg
This master's thesis aims to investigate model-based project executions of water and sewage systems. The main research question in this master's thesis is "What is needed to develop a fully digital project execution of water and sewage systems?" The research looks at how the processes are with project owners, consultants, and contractors when it comes to information flow and requirements for documentation today, in addition to identifying "best practice" for this.
The research is carried out by means of qualitative research with nine semi-structured interviews and a case study. Results and findings from interviews and case studies are presented and discussed based on the main themes; process, people, and technology, which are the main elements in all BIM processes.
The research concludes that methods should be developed for the use of BIM models in the facility management of water and sewage systems and that a guide is needed for this. In addition, water management should be organized at regional level to make processes and distribution of expertise more uniform than it is today.