Rammefaktorenes påvirkning for gjennomføring av skolelunsj i norske skoler
Original version
Aadland, E. K. & Bjørkkjær, T. (2023). Rammefaktorenes påvirkning for gjennomføring av skolelunsj i norske skoler. I D. Ruge, F. N. Vik, J. Björklund & S. Fröden (Red.), Læring gennem mad og måltider i grundskolen: Teori og praksis fra Danmark, Sverige og Norge (Kap. 3.1, s. 193–214). Cappelen Damm Akademisk. https://doi.org/10.23865/noasp.182Abstract
Over the course of 1st to 10th grade, every school student will consume nearly 2,000 lunches, and how schools plan this meal can be of great importance to the students. This chapter addresses various factors related to planning and providing the daily lunch meal in Norwegian school with the research question: Which promotive and inhibitive framework factors influence the implementation of school lunch in Norwegian primary and lower secondary school? Physical factors such as kitchen equipment, kitchens and dining rooms are important for the success of food and meals in school, depending on the type of school meal provision plan. Resource factors, such as staffing, and organizational factors are also important, as well as pedagogical and student factors. This chapter discusses promotive and inhibitive framework factors for the implementation of school lunches at Norwegian primary and lower secondary schools, primarily via the national professional guidelines for food and meals in schools. Today’s practice is also reviewed, and knowledge gaps as well as opportunities for new thinking and practical examples from the Norwegian context are presented.