On abstraction in the OMG hierarchy: systems, models, and descriptions
Original version
Prinz, A., Xanthopoulou, T. D., Gjøsæter, T. & Møller-Pedersen, B. (2022). On abstraction in the OMG hierarchy: systems, models, and descriptions. In T. Kühn & V. Sousa (Eds.) MODELS '22: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: Companion Proceedings, (pp. 322-330). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi: 10.1145/3550356.3561573Abstract
The Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) uses a metadata hierarchy with several layers that are placed on top of each other. The traditional view is that the layers provide abstractions related to models in languages defined by meta-models. Over the years, it has been difficult to define a consistent understanding of the layers. In this paper, we propose such a consistent understanding by clarifying the relations between the different elements in the hierarchy. This is done based on the Scandinavian approach to modelling that distinguishes between systems and system descriptions. Systems can be physical, digital, or even mental, while descriptions can be programs, language descriptions, specifications, and diagrams. We relate descriptions and systems by explaining where semantics of objects originate and how they apply in the hierarchy.