Identitetsutvikling i fantasylitteratur for barn og unge : Hvordan det fantastiske belyser hovedpersonens identitet og utvikling i Tonje Tornes’ Hulder og Forbannet
Original version
Lundevold, R.J. (2021) Identitetsutvikling i fantasylitteratur for barn og unge : Hvordan det fantastiske belyser hovedpersonens identitet og utvikling i Tonje Tornes’ Hulder og Forbannet. (Master's thesis). University of Agder, Kristiansand.Abstract
This thesis is a contribution to the literature scientific exploration of how peoples identity
development can be formed within the fantasy genre. It puts a focus on how a main characters
development can be mirrored in other characters and in the surroundings, and sees the
development according to a relevant theoretic selection. Different theoretics such as Farah
Mendlesohn, Maria Nikolajeva, Åsfrid Svensen, Rolf Gaasland, Anna Skyggebjerg and Roz
Kaveney have been central in the development of the theoretic foundation of this thesis.
In the analysis the focus is drawn to different challenges which the main character has to
relate to, and these become connected to a classical initiation model, where the main character
moves from a stable home state of mind, to an open liminal phase, characterized by
The thesis confirms that a personal identity development is shaped by both external and
internal challenges. An interesting find is that the development is not always for the better,
despite the long tradition of a positive developmental structure in children´s fantasy literature.
The liminal phase is extensive in Kire, contains multiple challenges, and gives a rich
foundation for further analysis in the thesis. It is interesting to see that the Kire-novels
contains certain deviations in relation to traditions within the fantasy genre.
Master's thesis in Primary teacher education level 1-7 (NO502)