Å oppleve Stine Sofie Senteret : En kvalitativ studie av hvordan syv ungdommer beskriver oppholdet på Stine Sofie Senteret
Original version
Arntzen, A. B. M. (2020) Å oppleve Stine Sofie Senteret : En kvalitativ studie av hvordan syv ungdommer beskriver oppholdet på Stine Sofie Senteret (Master’s thesis). University of Agder, Kristiansand.Abstract
The purpose of this study is to learn more about how young people experience their stay at the Stine Sofie Center. Will the young people's descriptions of their stay be characterized by what was important along the way and have these moments possibly helped to make it better? This is clarified and highlighted through the issue How does the youth experience their stay at the Stine Sofie Center? Childhood sociology and Social Studies of Childhood are used to increase the understanding of children and childhood. Furthermore, adolescence is understood in a development-promoting perspective. Thus, symbolic interactionism and constructivist thinking form the theoretical basis are also acting as analytical tools. We know very little about how children and young people experience being at the Stine Sofie Center. As a training and coping center for violence and abused children and young people -the Stine Sofie Center is the first center both nationally and internationally. Literature review may indicate that knowledge production within this topic, to a very small extent deals with the experiences of young people with such assistance.
Master's thesis in Sociology and social work (ME522)