«Jeg skjønner at dere ikke liker det» : En komparativ undersøkelse av holdninger og praksis blant norsklærere i sidemålsopplæringen
Title: “I understand that you don’t like it” –A comparative survey/studyabout/concerningteachers’attitudes and teaching practice in the second-choice form of written Norwegian.In thisthesisI will look at the teaching practice and attitudes of teachers who teach Norwegian in both written forms of Norwegian, nynorsk and bokmål. There are a lot of discussions and debates related to the subject of sidemålsundervisning,with an, in general,bad attitude concerning nynorsk. Therefore, I wanted to look at the attitudes teachers have towards sidemålsundervisning. As sidemålsundervisning concerns nynorsk and bokmål, Iwanted to talk to teachers who teach nynorsk assidemål, as well as teachers who teach bokmål as sidemål. Also,in order to make this divisionclearer,I wanted to choose teachers who teach in areas where the dialect is similar tothe formsof written Norwegian, nynorsk and bokmål. This is a qualitative study of the teaching practice and attitudes of five teachers. It is the teacher’s personal thoughts and opinions that matter to me, so a personal interview with each teacher seemed to be the best approach. The presented theory deals with theNorwegian teachers’ competencein the subjectand their important role concerning pupils’ learning. In addition, I will present theory concerning attitudes, including how these attitudes are presentedand how they function. On the basis of previous research on the subject of sidemålsundervisning, I look at their results and compare these results with my own. Oneof the things I havefound in this studyis how the teachers unknowingly affect their students’attitudes. The teachers’own attitudes towards sidemålsundervisning is vary greatly. The teachers value different elements in their teaching, some of them are focusing on grammar while others focus on the language. It is also interesting to see that the teachers who teach bokmål as sidemål in many ways look down on nynorsk, which perhaps would be more expectedto happen among teacherswho teach nynorsk as sidemål. One thing all the teachers have in common is that they all expect some changes in sidemålsundervisningen, and they all express a concern for the future of nynorsk.
Masteroppgave grunnskolelærerutdanning trinn 1-7 NO502 - Universitetet i Agder 2019