Forberedelse til skriftlig eksamen i norsk : En kvalitativ studie som undersøker hvordan forberedelsesmateriellet for eksamen i norsk kan fungere i elevenes førskrivefase
Every year, approximately one third of the country's 10th graders is drawn to a written exam in Norwegian. The exam is centralized and serves as a final assessment in primary school. The purpose of this Master's thesis is to investigate how the preparation material, which is made available for the students 24 hours before the first exam, works in the students' prewriting phase. The research question of the paper thus follows:How can the preparation material for the written exam in Norwegian from 2017 work in the students' prewriting phase?In order to investigate and answer the problem within my field of interest, I have also developed three concrete research questions that will govern both content and structure:1. How does the preparation material invite students to work in the prewriting phase?2. How do students respond to the invitations placed in the material?3. How should students work in the prewriting phase to answer the exam papers?The theoretical chapter of the thesis is mainly divided into two main areas within the Norwegian subject, both reading and writing skills, as a written exam is a complex situation where several skills and subject matters are important. The study has aqualitative research design, and the problem with related research questions has been investigated using text analysis and interview. The text analysis is done with the preparation material as a starting point, and I have conducted two group interviews with 10. graders as informants.The study shows that the preparation material can work in several ways during the students’ preparation time, namely the prewriting phase. The material gives various invitations, and some expectations, to the work that should be completed before the exam. The informants in the study respond well to the invitations and it may appear that several of these may identify with the model reader in the preparation material. The last part of the assignment indicates that the written exam in Norwegian requires knowledgeable students with good analytical competence. Students should also be strategic in both the prewriting phase and during the actual text production on the exam. The most competent and strategic students will be those who see the most opportunities in the preparation material in the prewriting phase and during the exam
Masteroppgave grunnskolelærerutdanning trinn 1-7 NO502 - Universitetet i Agder 2018