Ontological Modelling of FEST with support for DDI Reasoning
FEST is a Norwegian database and information service aimed towards providing all the required pharmaceutical data to different stakeholders such as hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and practitioners. FEST being a complete pharmaceutical database, ensures every information related to drugs such as dosage, form of drug, interactions, and brand. FEST database is represented as an XML and schema files. In this master thesis, we propose an open and linked data representation approach of FEST database by modelling it as an Ontology. We propose the integration of FEST ontology with other systems and ontologies for semantic interoperability which is one of the main challenge in current e-health world. We propose in this thesis a method for the representation of drug-drug interaction in context with patient’s family member history. We will use SPARQL queries on existing data in FEST ontology to generate implicit information about possible drug-drug interaction. Using the existing drug interactions in FEST, we will represent a method to classify those interactions according to different interaction mechanisms.
Master's thesis Information- and communication technology IKT590 - University of Agder 2017