Viser treff 61-80 av 1973

    • From Subordinates to Superheroes? Comics in Christian Magazines for Children and Youth in Norway 

      Trysnes, Irene (Chapter, 2023)
      How do religious organizations use comics to communicate religion to children and youth? This chapter examines comics in two different Norwegian religious magazines for children: Blåveisen (Hepatica) and Barnas (The ...
    • Born Globals and Born Sustainables: Motives of Accumulating Wealth and of Making a Difference in the World 

      Širec, Karin; Mahsa, Samsami; Schøtt, Thomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background/Purpose: This study investigates the distinct entrepreneurial motivations driving export activities andsustainability pursuits in Slovenian businesses, with a particular focus on differences between newborns and ...
    • Access, capacity and influence 

      Kühn, Nadja Sophia Bekkelund; Trondal, Jarle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Different forms of integration into the European Union (EU) call for studies of the consequences of multilevel access structures. Similar to EU member-states, government officials from associated states interact closely ...
    • COVID-19 and the institutional fabric of higher education 

      Pillay, Pundy; Balbachevsky, Elisabeth; Pinheiro, Romulo; Yonezawa, Akiyoshi (Chapter, 2023)
      This edited book comprises a number of chapters analysing the impact of COVID-19 in countries in Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia-Pacific. The theme of the book relates to an analysis of the interplay between ‘macro’, ...
    • Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on the Institutional Fabric of Higher Education 

      Pinheiro, Romulo; Balbachevsky, Elisabeth; Pillay, Pundy; Yonezawa, Akiyoshi (Chapter, 2023)
      COVID-19 has provided a historical opportunity to test the resilient nature of higher education (HE) systems and institutions (HEIs) around the world. This at a time when the sector experiences profound structural changes, ...
    • Bruddlinjer som utgangspunkt for analysearbeid i institusjonell- etnografisk utforsking 

      Bertelsen, Bård; Lund, Janne (Chapter, 2023)
      In this chapter, we use material from two research projects to show how institutional ethnography’s sensitivity toward disjunctures has put us as researchers on the trail of everyday life problematics. In institutional ...
    • Public Service Resilience in a Post-COVID-19 World: Digital Transformation in Nordic Higher Education 

      Asante, Michael Oduro; Liyanapathiranage, Sudeepika Wajirakumari Samarat; Pinheiro, Romulo (Chapter, 2023)
      This chapter draws on seminal contributions from the crisis management and resilience literature to develop and test a new framework for organisational resilience in higher education in the context of digital transformation. ...
    • Strategisk kompetanseutvikling - En evaluering av hvordan en mellomstor kommune i Norge jobber med kompetanseutvikling. 

      Borge, Cesilie Janette (Master thesis, 2023)
      I denne studien utforsker jeg kompetansestyring og utvikling i to sentrale sektorer i en mellomstor, anonymisert norsk kommune: helse og omsorg, og samfunnsutvikling. Studien tar utgangspunkt i problemstillingen: «Hvilke ...
    • Citizens AND HYdrology (CANDHY): conceptualizing a transdisciplinary framework for citizen science addressing hydrological challenges 

      Nandi, Fernardo; Cudennec, Christophe; Abrate, Tommaso; Allouch, Candice; Annis, Antonio; Assumpção, Thaine; Aubert, Alice H.; Braccini, Alessio Maria; Buytaert, Wouter; Dasgupta, Antara; Hannah, David M.; Mazzoleni, Maurizio; J. Polo, Maria; Sæbø, Øystein; Tauro, Flavia; Teichert, Florian; Uhlenbrook, Stefan; Wahrmann Vargas, Cristina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Widely available digital technologies are empowering citizens who are increasingly well informed and involved in numerous water, climate, and environmental challenges. Citizen science can serve many different purposes, ...
    • Biopolitics from the Global South: a new generation takes on customary nationalism in eSwatini 

      Golomski, Casey; Laterza, Vito (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    • Exploring Onboarding Processes for IT Professionals : The Role of Knowledge Management 

      Brødsjø, Vebjørn; Sandøy, Benjamin Andreas Godskesen; Hustad, Eli (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      A robust knowledge management (KM) strategy is essential for effective onboarding of new employees. Organizational knowledge plays a crucial role in helping new employees learn their work tasks and should be readily available ...
    • Evaluating the effectiveness and implementation of evidence-based early-life nutrition interventions in a community setting a hybrid type 1 non-randomized trial – the Nutrition Now project protocol 

      Øverby, Nina Cecilie; Hillesund, Elisabet Rudjord; Helland, Sissel Heidi; Helle, Christine; Wills, Andrew Keith; Lamu, Admassu Nadew; Osorio, Natalie Garzon; Lian, Henrik; Ersfjord, Torunn; Van Daele, Wim; Bjørkkjær, Tormod; Valen, Erlend Larsen; Gebremariam, Mekdes; Grasaas, Erik; Kiland, Charlotte; Schwarz, Ulrica Von Thiele; Abel, Marianne Hope; Love, Penny; Campbell, Karen; Rutter, Harald Roderick; Barker, Mary Elizabeth; Vik, Frøydis Nordgård; Medin, Anine Christine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Disappointingly few efficacious health interventions are successfully scaled up and implemented in real world settings. This represents an evidence-to-practice gap, with loss of opportunity to improve practice. Aiming to ...
    • What drives the use of crowdfunding by micro-entrepreneurs in Morocco? – exploring fundraiser motives and characteristics 

      Meghouar, Hicham; Ezzahid, Hibbat-Allah; Shneor, Rotem (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Purpose The purpose of this study is to identify motivations for the uptake of crowdfunding by micro-entrepreneurs in an emerging economy and the extent to which these vary by entrepreneur characteristics, sector and ...
    • Hva skal til for at førstelinjeledere blir værende i stillingene sine? 

      Vikingstad, Mona Kvale (Master thesis, 2023)
      Det er behov for nytenkning, omstillingsevne og fleksibilitet for å kunne drifte fremtidens helse- og omsorgstjenester. Motiverte kommunale førstelinjeledere kan være en viktig årsaksfaktor for å lykkes med dette arbeidet. ...
    • Kampen om kompetansen 

      Johannessen, Camilla Veronica (Master thesis, 2023)
      Bakgrunn og formål: Kampen om kompetansen viser seg gjeldene i store deler av det offentlige helsevesenet. Hensikten med denne masteravhandlingen er å se nærmere hva som motiverer for å rekruttere og beholde legespesialister ...
    • Body appreciation around the world: Measurement invariance of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age 

      Swami, Viren; Tran, Ulrich S; Stieger, Stefan; Aavik, Toivo; Ranjbar, Hamed Abdollahpour; abedayo, sulaiman; Afhami, Reza; Ahmed, Oli; Aimé, Annie; Akel, Marwan; Halbusi, Hussam; Alexias, George; Ali, Khawla F.; Alp-Dal, Nursep; Alsalhani, Anas B.; Álvares-Solas, Sara; Amaral, Ana Carolina Soares; Andrianto, Sonny; Aspden, Trefor; Argyrides, Marios; Aruta, John Jamir Benzon R.; Atkin, Stephen L.; Ayandele, Olusola; Baceviciene, Migle; Bahbouh, Radvan; Ballesio, Andrea; Barron, David; Bellard, Ashleigh; Bender, Sóley S.; Beydag, Kerime; Birovljević, Gorana; Blackburn, Marie-Eve; Borja-Alvarez, Teresita; Borowiec, Joanna; Bozogáňová, Miroslava; Bratland-Sanda, Solfrid; Browning, Matthew H. E. M.; Brytek-Matera, Anna; Burakova, Marina; Çakır-Koçak, Yeliz; Camacho, Pablo; Camilleri, Vittorio Emanuele; Cazzato, Valentina; Cerea, Silvia; Chaiwutikornwanich, Apitchaya; Chaleeraktrakoon, Trawin; Furnham, Adrian; Otterbring, Tobias; Borgen, Christine Sundgot; Trangsrud, Lise Katrine Jepsen; Voracek, Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) is a widely used measure of a core facet of the positive body image construct. However, extant research concerning measurement invariance of the BAS-2 across a large number of nations ...
    • Kampen om kompetanse i den kommunal helse- og omsorgstjenesten. En casestudie av rekruttering av helsepersonell i Vest Telemark. 

      Wraa, Ann Helen Maria (Master thesis, 2023)
      I denne oppgaven har jeg gjennom en casestudie, valg å undersøke hvilke faktorer som har betydning for rekruttering av personell i helse- og omsorgstjenesten. For å avgrense oppgaven har jeg valgt å undersøke distriktskommuner ...
    • Is the coronavirus created by the government to control us? Critical thinking and conspiracy beliefs among Norwegian youth in upper secondary schools 

      Skjølberg, Katja Haaversen-Westhassel; Trysnes, Irene; Furrebøe, Elise Frølich (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    • Exploring Attitudes Toward “Sugar Relationships” Across 87 Countries: A Global Perspective on Exchanges of Resources for Sex and Companionship 

      Meskó, Norbert; Kowal, Marta; Láng, András; Kocsor, Ferenc; Bandi, Szabolcs A.; Putz, Adam; Sorokowski, Piotr; Frederick, David A.; García, Felipe E.; Aguilar, Leonardo A.; Studzinska, Anna; Tan, Chee-Seng; Gjoneska, Biljana; Milfont, Taciano L.; Topcu Bulut, Merve; Grigoryev, Dmitry; Aavik, Toivo; Boussena, Mahmoud; Mattiassi, Alan D. A.; Afhami, Reza; Amin, Rizwana; Baiocco, Roberto; Brahim, Hamdaoui; Can, Ali R.; Carneiro, Joao; Çetinkaya, Hakan; Chubinidze, Dimitri; Deschrijver, Eliane; Don, Yahya; Dubrov, Dmitrii; Duyar, Izzet; Jovic, Marija; Kamburidis, Julia A.; Khan, Farah; Khun-Inkeeree, Hareesol; Koso-Drljevic, Maida; Lacko, David; Massar, Karlijn; Morelli, Mara; Natividade, Jean C.; Nyhus, Ellen K.; Park, Ju Hee; Pazhoohi, Farid; Pirtskhalava, Ekaterine; Ponnet, Koen; Prokop, Pavol; Šakan, Dušana; Tulyakul, Singha; Wang, Austin H.; Aquino, Sibele D.; Atamtürk, Derya D.; Burduli, Nana; Chirumbolo, Antonio; Dural, Seda; Etchezahar, Edgardo; Ghahraman Moharrampour, Nasim; Aczel, Balazs; Kozma, Luca; Lins, Samuel; Manunta, Efisio; Marot, Tiago; Mebarak, Moises; Miroshnik, Kirill G.; Misetic, Katarina; Papadatou-Pastou, Marietta; Bakos, Bence; Sahli, Fatima Zahra; Singh, Sangeeta; Solak, Çağlar; Volkodav, Tatiana; Wlodarczyk, Anna; Akello, Grace; Argyrides, Marios; Çoker, Ogeday; Galasinska, Katarzyna; Gómez Yepes, Talía; Kobylarek, Aleksander; Landa-Blanco, Miguel; Mayorga, Marlon; Özener, Barış; Pacquing, Ma. Criselda T.; Reyes, Marc Eric S.; Şahin, Ayşegül; Tamayo-Agudelo, William; Topanova, Gulmira; Toplu-Demirtaş, Ezgi; Türkan, Belgüzar N.; Zumárraga-Espinosa, Marcos; Grassini, Simone; Antfolk, Jan; Cornec, Clément; Pisanski, Katarzyna; Stöckli, Sabrina; Eder, Stephanie Josephine; Han, Hyemin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    • Hvordan er organisasjonskulturen i barnehagene på Sørlandet? Og er det forskjeller mellom barnehager i offentlig og privat sektor? 

      Bentsen, Trine (Master thesis, 2023)
      Denne oppgaven tar for seg begrepet organisasjonskultur, hva dette er, hva den består av og hvordan det kan anvendes. Det kan være vanskelig å skulle indentifisere og beskrive kulturen i en organisasjon, men undersøkelsene ...