Browsing Faculty of Social Sciences by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 2098
Models of E-Democracy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2006)Several theories of E-Democracy have been presented, and implementations of and experiments in E-Democracy emerged. However, existing literature on the subject appears rather non-comprehensive, lacking an integrated basis, ... -
Positive and negative factors in agent oriented software development:a case study
(Master thesis, 2006)This thesis attempts to pinpoint the main differences in agent oriented software engineering as opposed to more legacy approaches. The agent paradigm, still in its infancy, is believed to offer exciting new prospects to ... -
A preliminary evaluation of an enterprise-wide eCollaboration solution : a case study in Statoil
(Master thesis, 2006)Based on the World Wide Web and the internet new possibilities have emerged for organisations in terms of collaboration. Organisations invest heavily in collaborative systems to be able to collaborate more efficiently both ... -
Politisk styring i markedsorienterte kommuner
(Master thesis, 2006)Reformer tar sikte på å fornye offentlig sektor. Allerede fra slutten av 1970-tallet og frem til i dag, har offentlig sektor blitt utsatt for reformer. Inn under slike reformer hører virkemidler som konkurranseutsetting. ... -
En studie av de faktorer som bidrar til effekter ved PDAbruk i norsk hjemmesykepleie
(Master thesis, 2006)Helsesektoren i Norge er en belastet sektor som skal betjene et økende antall hjemmeboende klienter og bistå dem med helsetjenester og hjelp til daglige gjøremål. Etaten sliter med lav bemanning og begrensede midler. Dette ... -
Kvinner på topp : hvem er de og hvordan har de kommet seg dit?
(Master thesis, 2006)På tross av lover og regler som sikrer likestilling har Norge et av Europas mest kjønnsdelte arbeidsmarkeder. Vi har blant Europas høyest utdannede og yrkesaktive kvinner, problemet er at gutter og jenter i Norge fremdeles ... -
e-Government and municipal organisational change
(Master thesis, 2006)Complex challenges faced by Norwegian municipality come from many sources such as balancing their role as generalist service providers with the increased call for tightening municipal budgets. Today, the municipalities ... -
The wheel of collaboration tools: a typology for analysis within a holistic framework
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2006)We present a holistic framework for analyzing and specifying collaboration solutions, developed by an oil and gas company in response to practical needs in supporting integrated collaboration and information management. A ... -
Stakeholders, Contradictions and Salience : An Empirical Study of a Norwegian G2G Effort
(Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences; no. 39, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2006)Previous studies indicate that the expected effects of e-Government are slower to realize than initially expected. Several authors argue that e-Government involves particularly complex settings, consisting of a variety of ... -
Innføring av CRM i offentlig sektor
(Master thesis, 2007)Modernisering av offentlig sektor basert på informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi (IKT) er i økende grad et fokusområde under begrepet e-forvaltning. Dette har ført til nye teknologiske muligheter og arbeidsmåter ... -
The Role of Microfinance in the Empowerment of Women - An Example of Sinapi Aba Trust, Offinso Branch-Ghana
(Master thesis, 2007)Disempowerment among women due to certain cultural practices has been one of the main barriers to development in developing countries. It is a problem that developing countries governments cannot solve alone because of ... -
Collective actions for empowerment and poverty reduction in rural Chiapas, Mexico
(Master thesis, 2007)The present thesis is an investigation of rural community development in the Venustiano Carranza Province of Chiapas, Mexico. The objectives have been to analyze people’s experiences of collective work, and how this work, ... -
Issues of adopting benefits management practices of IT investments in municipalities: A Delphi study in Norway
(Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences;40, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2007)The concept of benefits management highlights explicit practices to facilitate benefits realization from information technology (IT) investments, in addition to plain project management focusing on information systems (IS) ... -
Examining Factors Prompting Microfinance Clients’ Dropout The case of SEDA and PTF in Morogoro Municipality in Tanzania
(Master thesis, 2007)This study examines factors prompting clients’ dropout in two microfinance institutions: SEDA and PTF in Morogoro Municipality in Tanzania. The study used the sample of about 136 respondents, where 68 respondents came ... -
Tilpasninger og erfaringer i lederrolla i sykehus
(Master thesis, 2007)Ledelse i helsevesenet er i fokus i denne oppgava og ulike aspekter belyses. Dette gjøres på bakgrunn av de NPM-påvirkningene som har prega helsevesenet gjennom ulike reformer. Jeg ser på hvilke betydninger kjønn har ved ... -
Politikkformulering i Flekkefjord
(Master thesis, 2007) -
Hvorfor er den politiske deltakelsen blant vietnamesere iNorge så lav?
(Master thesis, 2007) -
Towards a cumulative tradition in e-Government Research: Going beyond the Gs and Cs
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science;4656, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2007)The emerging research area of e-Government is gradually moving towards a level of maturity on the back of increasingly rigorous empirical research. Yet, there has been little theoretical progress and a cumulative tradition ...