Blar i Master's theses in History på utgivelsesdato
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Fra forfølgelse til statsreligion : aspekter ved forholdet mellom stat og kirke på 300 tallet i Bysants
(Master thesis, 2010)This theses deals with the relation of state and church in 4th century Byzantium. The research has been conducted based on three individual sources, namely the works of Eusebius of Cæsarea, Codex Theodosianus and church ... -
George W. Bush a revolutionary president? : the picture of "the others": an analysis of political speeches by George W. Bush and Harry S. Truman
(Master thesis, 2010)There are ongoing debates about the concept of continuity and discontinuity in American foreign policy. This research has focused on whether the controversial George W. Bush`s rhetoric can be seen as radical new or as a ... -
Stripete poteter og grumsete grøfter : en funksjonsanalytisk studie av den norske arbeidstjenesten i perioden 1940-1945
(Master thesis, 2011)This MA-thesis is a study of the Norwegian labor service (Arbeidstjenesten) during the five years of German occupation between 1940 and 1945. This thesis, which is the first of its kind, is based predominantly on primary ... -
Matrikkel og motstand : matrikkelarbeidet på 1720-tallet og eneveldets politisk kultur
(Master thesis, 2011) -
Kvinner i rederinæringene- eierskap og autonomi 1680-1842
(Master thesis, 2011) -
Fra lærling til mester : kunnskap og kompetansebygging i Statoil årene 1972-1986
(Master thesis, 2011) -
Rederiene og avgjørelsesprosessene : for utvalgte rederier i Nedenes amt i perioden 1850-1918
(Master thesis, 2011) -
Norsk karantene og smittevernpolitikk 1805-1910
(Master thesis, 2011) -
Det relevante museum : historie, hensigt, interesser, virkelighed og berettigelse
(Master thesis, 2012)The task for this master thesis, is to investigates the role of open-air museums have had on communities in Scandinavia. I do this through a comparative analysis of two museums, Jamtli in Österund, Sweden and Vest-Agder ... -
"Tyver under tukt" : en studie av straffepraksis ved Kristiansand tukthus i perioden 1789-1862
(Master thesis, 2012) -
Didactical thinking and post-conflict dilemmas in Cambodian history teaching
(Master thesis, 2013) -
En historiografisk analyse av forklaringene på folkemordet i Rwanda i 1994
(Master thesis, 2014)