Discrete-time multioverlapping controller design for structural vibration control of tall buildings under seismic excitation
Original version
Palacios-Quiñonero, F., Rubió-Massegú, J., Rossell, J.M., & Karimi, H.R. (2012). Discrete-time multioverlapping controller design for structural vibration control of tall buildings under seismic excitation. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2012, 1-20. doi: 10.1155/2012/636878 10.1155/2012/636878Abstract
In this paper, a computationally effective strategy to obtain multioverlapping controllers via the
Inclusion Principle is applied to design discrete-time state-feedback multioverlapping LQR con-
trollers for seismic protection of tall buildings. To compute the corresponding control actions, the
proposed semidecentralized controllers only require state information from neighboring stories.
This particular configuration of information exchange allows introducing a dramatic reduction
in the transmission range required for a wireless implementation of the communication system.
To investigate the behavior of the proposed semidecentralized multioverlapping controllers, a
proper simulation model has been designed. This model includes semiactive actuation devices
with limited force capacity, control sampling times consistent with the communication latency,
time-delayed state information, and communication failures. The performance of the proposed
multioverlapping controllers has been assessed through numerical simulations of the seismic
response of a 20-story building with positive results.
Published version of an article from the journal: Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Also available from the publisher:http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2012/636878