Hovedårsaker til borgerkristiden i Norge i høymiddelalderen
This thesis is about the main causes behind the so called «Civil Wars» in Norway during the High Middle Ages ca. 1130-1240. Many theories have been put forward to explain the reason for the conflicts. Some historians have claimed it was caused by multiple kingships at the same time, which caused instability and thus conflict and war, and this has again been disputed by other historians.
Others have claimed that class struggle played a major part and caused tension in society and this tension led to war. Others again have claimed a resource crisis within the aristocracy as a possible cause. And some historians in more recent times have put forward a theory based on historical legal anthropology as a possible cause.
The thesis will try to explore these theories. I will also introduce another thesis which is based on Michael Braddick`s works and focuses on state formation as a possible cause for the conflicts.