Humor og ytringsfrihet: Hvordan endringer i formelle- og uformelle normer skaper endring i humorens innhold, form og utførsel
Master thesis
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The thesis is a study within humor and freedom of speech, where my goal is to examine changes in formal and informal norms and how these changes shape the content, form and execution of norwegian humor. To adress the research question, i have utilized a wide range of archival materials, including those from archives such as NRK (Norwegian Brodcasting Corporation), the Norwegian Film Classification (Statens Filmtilsyn), the Human-Ethical Association (Human-Etisk Forbund) and the National Library (Nasjonalbiblioteket). Furthermore, i have used various podcasts, comments and articles from different online newspapers.
The theoretical and conceptual framework of the thesis is base don various concepts such as freedom of speech, blasphemy, racism, cultivation, political correctness, woke culture and cancel culture. In addition, readers will become familiar with legal provisions like Artical 100 of the Norwegian Constitution and different sections of the Penal code: § 142, § 135a and § 185. Furthermore there will be incorporated some humor theory.
The time frame of the thesis spans over forty years, commencing with the transition from 1979-1980 with the humor program Press! and the film Life of Brian. It then proceeds to the mid-1990s through the early 2000s, featuring O.J. På nye eventyr and Åpen Post. The analysis chapters of the thesis conclude with the period from the late 2010s through the early 2020s, where the last two cases are Radioresepsjonens Flauhetskonkurranse and Helt Ramm: Japanese Gameshow.
Over the course of these forty years and the six different cases, it becomes evident that there have been several formal and informal changes in societal norms. One of the most interesting findings is that the period from the mid-1990s through the early 2000s appears as a time when freedom of speech was considered a given, which distinguishes it from the 1979-1980 transistion and the late 2010s and early 2020s period. Additionally, the 1979-1980 period was marked by both formal and informal norms restricting freedom of speech and thus impacting humor. While in today`s society, only informal norms can impose limitations on freedom of speech and humor.