Master's theses in Coastal Ecology
Recent Submissions
Organic carbon export by marine mammal deadfalls in the Nordic Seas
(Master thesis, 2024)The biological pump is a critical process in the oceanic carbon cycle, transferring organic carbon from the atmosphere and surface waters into the deep ocean and seafloor sediments. Organic carbon stored in living biomass ... -
Passive acoustic monitoring of cetaceans in the Norwegian Skagerrak
(Master thesis, 2024)Marine ecosystems have been under pressure for decades as a result of intensive human activity. Cetaceans have also been negatively affected by our actions, so to implement protection and conservation plans, it is crucial ... -
Insights into lobster trap selectivity: exploring the role of local demography and behaviour for effective reserve monitoring
(Master thesis, 2024)Human activities have a major effect on the world’s ecosystems including the marine environment, where harvesting practices often target individuals based on specific traits, resulting in selective fishing. This selective ... -
Assessing the cleanup efforts at the historically polluted site in the Port of Liepaja, Karosta Channel.
(Master thesis, 2024)The presence of persistent contaminants in the sediments, such as heavy metals and hydrocarbons, can have long-lasting negative effects on marine ecosystems, resulting in harming both wildlife and humanity. It is critical ... -
The acoustic repertoire of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and the effect of feeding on broadband clicks and their sound characteristics
(Master thesis, 2023)Populations of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) along the Skagerrak coast remain below viable levels today despite various implemented management strategies aimed at their recovery. Augmented management approaches are needed ... -
Haulout patterns of harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) colonies in the Norwegian Skagerrak, as monitored through time-lapse camera surveys
(Master thesis, 2023)Harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) are a part of the Norwegian coastal ecosystem and are distributed along the coastline, amongst the humans inhabiting and/or visiting these areas. We need to gain a better understanding of how ... -
A Global Perspective on Microplastic Concentrations and Characteristics in Sediment and Biota in Marine Coastal Areas
(Master thesis, 2023)Microplastic (MP, < 5 mm) has become an omnipresent environmental pollutant due to inappropriate management since the invention of plastic during the 1800s. MPs are now detected in all environmental matrices, with marine ... -
Gytetid hos laks (Salmo salar). - Skjer det en endring som følge av klimaendringer?
(Master thesis, 2023)Gytetid hos Atlanterhavslaks i norske vassdrag ble i 1988 studert av Tor G. Heggberget. Han fant at tiden laksen gyter på varierer fra midten av oktober til midten av januar, og at laksen gyter på gjennomsnittstemperaturer ... -
Fishing for Answers: A Historical Analysis of 150 Years of Fisheries landings in Skagerrak
(Master thesis, 2023)Norge blir ofte betraktet som et ledende eksempel på bærekraftig fiskeriforvaltning. Allikevel tilsier historien at det ikke alltid har vært slik, men skiftende referanserammer etter flere tiår med utvikling i fiskerinæringen, ... -
Designing a species-specific method, based on analysis of eDNA, for detection of lesser weever fish, and testing it at chosen locations along the coastline of Agder, Southern Norway
(Master thesis, 2023)Temperature is largely influencing species dispersion, and when the temperature conditions within an area are changing, species populations often respond by moving to other, more suitable areas. Such behavior has often ... -
Analyzing the reliability of citizen science information using Pacific oysters as a model system
(Master thesis, 2023)Det biologiske mangfolds krisen har ført til at mange arter har blitt utryddet de siste 20 årene; En av årsakene til dette er økende nærvær av fremmede arter. Mange av disse artene er uidentifiserte, noe som gjør det ... -
Behavioral reactions to H2S in farmed Salmon
(Master thesis, 2023)I resirkulerende akvakulturanlegg kan dannelse av hydrogensulfid (H2S) føre til akutt massedød av laks. Det er begrenset med kunnskap om hvordan fisk reagerer på H2S ved lave konsentrasjoner. Automatisk tolking av adferd ... -
Monitoring Attempted Eradication of the Invasive Species Northern Pike (Esox lucius), and Re-Establishment of Three-Spined Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in Gillsvann, using eDNA Analysis.
(Master thesis, 2023)Anthropogenic activities are putting marine and freshwater ecosystems under increasing pressure and global climate change is causing transformations in ecosystems and food chains worldwide. Invasive species pose one of the ... -
Detection and Analysis of Microplastics in Boat Marina and Eelgrass Bed on the Southern Coast of Norway
(Master thesis, 2023)Microplastics are widely distributed around the world and are emerging as one of the most serious environmental problems worldwide. This study aimed to investigate the presence and sources of microplastics by human activities ... -
In deep water: Long-term trends in demersal fish diversity in Skagerrak and the Norwegian trench
(Master thesis, 2023)Throughout history, human activities have had profound impacts on marine ecosystems, with clear evidence of these consequences observable in the Skagerrak region. Oceans have historically been a critical resource for ... -
Time trends of heavy metals and PAHs in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) and contamination of sediments in the Kristiansandfjord, Southern Norway
(Master thesis, 2023)The Kristiansandfjord in Southern Norway has been contaminated for several decades (Green et al., 1985; Berge et al., 2007; Øxnevad et al., 2021). In this study, contaminant concentration data from blue mussel and sediments ... -
The effect of removing a natural migration barrier on a previously isolated population of Brown trout (Salmon trutta L.) – Kvåsfossen, Norway.
(Master thesis, 2023)In the years of 1970s and 1980s acidic rain threatened coastal freshwater fish populations in European rivers. Several fish populations in western and southern Norway were particularly affected including the Norwegian brown ... -
Size selectivity of standardized lobster traps used in long-term monitoring and their ability to catch large European lobsters (Homarus gammarus).
(Master thesis, 2023)Harvesting the resources of the ocean has been an integral part of both human settlement and advancements for millennia. In later years, the effects of unsustainable harvesting have become clearer, and several management ... -
Døgnvariasjon av fisk i ålegrasenger.
(Master thesis, 2022)Hver dag gjennomføres det som kan kalles verdens største migrasjon av biomasse i havet. Dette er en daglig syklus hvor flere tonn zooplankton beveger seg vertikalt gjennom vanmassene. Dette fenomenet kalles en Dial Vertical ... -
Trying to Find a Correlation Between Spawning- and Nursery Grounds in Different Regions of Norway.
(Master thesis, 2022)På grunn av overfiske av kommersielle viktige fiskearter, har det blitt enda viktigere å opprettholde bærekraftige bestander. Det holder ikke å bare regulere mengden fisk fanget av fiskerier, å beskytte områder som er ...