Browsing Master's thesis in Specialized Nursing by Subject "ME-519"
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Blir behovet for søvn prioritert på intensiv? : - en kvantitativ undersøkelse av norske intensivavdelingers praksis rundt søvn og sedering
(Master thesis, 2014)Background: Patients in the intensive care units suffer from sleep disturbances. The lack of sleep may cause physical and psychological disturbances, increased morbidity and prolonged stay. The nurses evaluate patients’ ... -
Hva påvirker bruken av e-læring som læringsverktøy blant anestesisykepleiere
(Master thesis, 2014)Background: To ensure competence it is important to use good sources of knowledge and learning tools that provide good learning outcome. E-learning is considered to be the future focus to ensure a common updated competence. ... -
Mellommenneskelige aspekter i operasjonsteamet -operasjonssykepleieres opplevelser : kvalitative intervju med operasjonssykepleiere om opp- levelser i forhold til mellommenneskelige aspekter ved samarbeid i operasjonsteam
(Master thesis, 2014)Background: Experiences from practice in surgical units led us to question what makes teamwork effective and elegant, and also reflect upon the causes of situations where the teamwork is less than optimal and team members ... -
Samarbeid i hjertestansteam : en kvalitativ studie om intensivsyke- pleieres erfaringer fra samarbeid i hjertestansteam under resuscitering
(Master thesis, 2014)Project backround: Several areas in health care have recently seen an increased focus on the importance of cooperation. In its guidelines from 2010, The American Heart Association (AHA) places increased importance on ... -
"Slitsomt, men gøy!" : en kvalitativ studie om den nyutdannede anestesisykepleieren sin opplevelse av kompetanse av yrkesutøvelsen
(Master thesis, 2014)Background: With the technological and medical development we are experiencing today, the anesthesia nurse is constantly challenged with complex patient situations and advanced medical equipment in their work . This situation ... -
Sykepleieres erfaringer med tidlig mobilisering av intuberte intensivpasienter
(Master thesis, 2014)Background: Studies show that early mobilization of the intubated ICU patients brings positive benefits for the patient. Aim: To illuminate nurses’ experiences with early mobilization of intubated patients in the ICU. ... -
"Trygghet i det utrygge" : en kvalitativ studie av intensivsykepleierens møte med pårørende
(Master thesis, 2014)Acute admittance of critically ill patients can often instigate a feeling of vulnerability in the next of kin and strong feelings related to the situation are often the reaction. One of the tasks of the intensive care nurse ... -
Veien videre ... : hvilke erfaringer har intensivsykepleiere når de opplever at behandlingen er nytteløs
(Master thesis, 2014)Background: The intensive care units are high tech departments where the patient has access to advance and expensive resources. The distinction between what is medically and ethically possible is increasing. Due to the ...