Hva påvirker bruken av e-læring som læringsverktøy blant anestesisykepleiere
Background: To ensure competence it is important to use good sources of knowledge and learning tools that provide good learning outcome. E-learning is considered to be the future focus to ensure a common updated competence. Purpose: Purpose of this study was to illuminate what influences the use of e-learning as a learning tool among nurse anesthetists. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study using a questionnaire based on the technology acceptance model (TAM). Based on previous theory and research, we added organizational factors to TAM. We performed a cross-sectional study among 369 nurse anesthetists in helse sør-øst. 110 respondents completed the study. We used descriptive statistics, chi square test and independent samples t-test to answer research questions in the study Results: In general, nurse anesthetists have positive attitudes toward e-learning as a learning tool. Women are significantly more positive than men. Age plays a role in how easy it will be to use e-learning. Organizational factors play into use, especially time is important. Most people find that e-learning gives them a good learning outcome, but are afraid that this kind of learning should replace all other kinds of learning. Conclusion: Anesthesia nurses have positive attitudes towards e-learning. It will facilitate further investments in e-learning as a learning tool. But it turns out that most people use it only once in six months or less. Organizational factors have influence on use and it may here be made to facilitate the implementation of e-learning.
Masteroppgave i spesialsykepleie – Universitetet i Agder 2014