Now showing items 21-40 of 170

    • Evaluating the effectiveness and implementation of evidence-based early-life nutrition interventions in a community setting a hybrid type 1 non-randomized trial – the Nutrition Now project protocol 

      Øverby, Nina Cecilie; Hillesund, Elisabet Rudjord; Helland, Sissel Heidi; Helle, Christine; Wills, Andrew Keith; Lamu, Admassu Nadew; Osorio, Natalie Garzon; Lian, Henrik; Ersfjord, Torunn; Van Daele, Wim; Bjørkkjær, Tormod; Valen, Erlend Larsen; Gebremariam, Mekdes; Grasaas, Erik; Kiland, Charlotte; Schwarz, Ulrica Von Thiele; Abel, Marianne Hope; Love, Penny; Campbell, Karen; Rutter, Harald Roderick; Barker, Mary Elizabeth; Vik, Frøydis Nordgård; Medin, Anine Christine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Disappointingly few efficacious health interventions are successfully scaled up and implemented in real world settings. This represents an evidence-to-practice gap, with loss of opportunity to improve practice. Aiming to ...
    • What drives the use of crowdfunding by micro-entrepreneurs in Morocco? – exploring fundraiser motives and characteristics 

      Meghouar, Hicham; Ezzahid, Hibbat-Allah; Shneor, Rotem (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Purpose The purpose of this study is to identify motivations for the uptake of crowdfunding by micro-entrepreneurs in an emerging economy and the extent to which these vary by entrepreneur characteristics, sector and ...
    • Body appreciation around the world: Measurement invariance of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age 

      Swami, Viren; Tran, Ulrich S; Stieger, Stefan; Aavik, Toivo; Ranjbar, Hamed Abdollahpour; abedayo, sulaiman; Afhami, Reza; Ahmed, Oli; Aimé, Annie; Akel, Marwan; Halbusi, Hussam; Alexias, George; Ali, Khawla F.; Alp-Dal, Nursep; Alsalhani, Anas B.; Álvares-Solas, Sara; Amaral, Ana Carolina Soares; Andrianto, Sonny; Aspden, Trefor; Argyrides, Marios; Aruta, John Jamir Benzon R.; Atkin, Stephen L.; Ayandele, Olusola; Baceviciene, Migle; Bahbouh, Radvan; Ballesio, Andrea; Barron, David; Bellard, Ashleigh; Bender, Sóley S.; Beydag, Kerime; Birovljević, Gorana; Blackburn, Marie-Eve; Borja-Alvarez, Teresita; Borowiec, Joanna; Bozogáňová, Miroslava; Bratland-Sanda, Solfrid; Browning, Matthew H. E. M.; Brytek-Matera, Anna; Burakova, Marina; Çakır-Koçak, Yeliz; Camacho, Pablo; Camilleri, Vittorio Emanuele; Cazzato, Valentina; Cerea, Silvia; Chaiwutikornwanich, Apitchaya; Chaleeraktrakoon, Trawin; Furnham, Adrian; Otterbring, Tobias; Borgen, Christine Sundgot; Trangsrud, Lise Katrine Jepsen; Voracek, Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) is a widely used measure of a core facet of the positive body image construct. However, extant research concerning measurement invariance of the BAS-2 across a large number of nations ...
    • Is the coronavirus created by the government to control us? Critical thinking and conspiracy beliefs among Norwegian youth in upper secondary schools 

      Skjølberg, Katja Haaversen-Westhassel; Trysnes, Irene; Furrebøe, Elise Frølich (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    • Exploring Attitudes Toward “Sugar Relationships” Across 87 Countries: A Global Perspective on Exchanges of Resources for Sex and Companionship 

      Meskó, Norbert; Kowal, Marta; Láng, András; Kocsor, Ferenc; Bandi, Szabolcs A.; Putz, Adam; Sorokowski, Piotr; Frederick, David A.; García, Felipe E.; Aguilar, Leonardo A.; Studzinska, Anna; Tan, Chee-Seng; Gjoneska, Biljana; Milfont, Taciano L.; Topcu Bulut, Merve; Grigoryev, Dmitry; Aavik, Toivo; Boussena, Mahmoud; Mattiassi, Alan D. A.; Afhami, Reza; Amin, Rizwana; Baiocco, Roberto; Brahim, Hamdaoui; Can, Ali R.; Carneiro, Joao; Çetinkaya, Hakan; Chubinidze, Dimitri; Deschrijver, Eliane; Don, Yahya; Dubrov, Dmitrii; Duyar, Izzet; Jovic, Marija; Kamburidis, Julia A.; Khan, Farah; Khun-Inkeeree, Hareesol; Koso-Drljevic, Maida; Lacko, David; Massar, Karlijn; Morelli, Mara; Natividade, Jean C.; Nyhus, Ellen K.; Park, Ju Hee; Pazhoohi, Farid; Pirtskhalava, Ekaterine; Ponnet, Koen; Prokop, Pavol; Šakan, Dušana; Tulyakul, Singha; Wang, Austin H.; Aquino, Sibele D.; Atamtürk, Derya D.; Burduli, Nana; Chirumbolo, Antonio; Dural, Seda; Etchezahar, Edgardo; Ghahraman Moharrampour, Nasim; Aczel, Balazs; Kozma, Luca; Lins, Samuel; Manunta, Efisio; Marot, Tiago; Mebarak, Moises; Miroshnik, Kirill G.; Misetic, Katarina; Papadatou-Pastou, Marietta; Bakos, Bence; Sahli, Fatima Zahra; Singh, Sangeeta; Solak, Çağlar; Volkodav, Tatiana; Wlodarczyk, Anna; Akello, Grace; Argyrides, Marios; Çoker, Ogeday; Galasinska, Katarzyna; Gómez Yepes, Talía; Kobylarek, Aleksander; Landa-Blanco, Miguel; Mayorga, Marlon; Özener, Barış; Pacquing, Ma. Criselda T.; Reyes, Marc Eric S.; Şahin, Ayşegül; Tamayo-Agudelo, William; Topanova, Gulmira; Toplu-Demirtaş, Ezgi; Türkan, Belgüzar N.; Zumárraga-Espinosa, Marcos; Grassini, Simone; Antfolk, Jan; Cornec, Clément; Pisanski, Katarzyna; Stöckli, Sabrina; Eder, Stephanie Josephine; Han, Hyemin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    • Institutional geography: effects of physical distance on agency autonomy 

      Jacobsen, Dag Ingvar; Trondal, Jarle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Establishing government agencies outside ministerial departments is frequently justified by a need to safeguard agency autonomy. In addition to ‘formal agencification’, that is, erecting formal barriers between agencies ...
    • Concept of Sustainable Development in Local Philosophies of Scandinavian Countries 

      Bragdø, Magnus Børre; Tuszyńska, Ligia; Żeber-Dzikowska, Ilona (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This article was inspired by the cooperation between two university teams implementing a Polish-Norwegian project Green Schoolbag for the Earth Climate. The project was aimed at preparing early school pedagogy teachers and ...
    • Does shared service delivery affect cost? A study of the cost-capacity relation in Norwegian local child protection services 

      Blåka, Sara; Jacobsen, Dag Ingvar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Intermunicipal cooperation is often seen as a means to increase capacity and reap economic benefits of scale. Prior research, however, shows that the effects of shared service delivery diverge, leaving scholars and ...
    • Europeisering av regionale beslutningsprosesser 

      Teigen, Dag Ole (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Nyere litteratur undersøker i forholdsvis liten grad europeisering av sub-nasjonale styringsnivåer, særlig med hensyn til enhetsstater og/eller tett integrerte ikke-medlemsstater. Denne artikkelen analyserer europeisering ...
    • Part-time work and sickness absence - an organization-level analysis 

      Jacobsen, Dag Ingvar; Fjelde, Viktoria-Anastasia Staurland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background Absenteeism is consistently higher in public than in private organizations, as is the use of part-time employment. The aim of this study is to identify whether there is a relationship between part-time work ...
    • Explaining Ukraine's resilience to Russia's invasion: The role of local governance 

      Rabinovych, Maryna; Brik, Tymofii; Darkovich, Andrii; Savisko, Myroslava; Hatsko, Valentyn; Tytiuk, Serhii; Piddubnyi, Igor (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Resilience of local communities (territorial hromadas) is an increasingly salient matter in the academic and policy debate on the factors which have determined Ukraine's resilience to Russia's 2022 invasion. Building on ...
    • Fylkeskommunen i et flernivåsystem : Effekter av europeisk integrasjon på sub-nasjonal beslutningsadferd i et tett integrert ikke-medlemsland 

      Teigen, Dag Ole (Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder;no. 445, Doctoral thesis, 2023)
      Public administrations play a crucial role in formulating, initiating, implementing, and developing public policies. To comprehend the development and practice of public policy, it is important to analyze the effects of ...
    • Work from home and collective creativity: Exploring the experiences of IT professionals 

      Tønnessen, Øystein; Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    • Compliance negotiations in EU external relations: the case of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement 

      Rabinovych, Maryna; Pintsch, Anne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The article advances the research on compliance negotiations in the context of the EU’s external relations. It develops further the framework on EU compliance negotiations, introduced by Jönsson and Tallberg in 1998, and ...
    • Political fragmentation and “The purple zone”: how party fragmentation affects political–administrative relations 

      Jacobsen, Dag Ingvar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      A good cooperative relationship between politics and administration is essential to good governance and efficient decision making in public organisations. This study of the cooperative relationship is based on the notion ...
    • Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment: The Reasons Why some Chinese Firms Fail in Norway 

      Wang, Yuxia; Alon, Ilan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Recent years have seen a dramatic rise in Chinese multinationals investing in various projects around the world. While there have been numerous studies of Chinese outward foreign direct investment (FDI), there have been ...
    • Implementing Digital Transformations in Higher Education Following COVID-19: A Norwegian Case Study 

      Laterza, Vito; Asante, Michael Oduro; Tømte, Cathrine Edelhard; Pinheiro, Romulo Teixeira (Chapter, 2023)
      Drawing on the theory and conceptualizations of organizational readiness for change and taking a more critical approach to organizational readiness that takes seriously actors’ different and sometimes conflicting understandings ...
    • EU/EØS-arbeid i norske fylkesadministrasjoner 

      Teigen, Dag Ole (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The article examines how and to what extent Norwegian county administrations are affected by EU/EEA policies, and to what extent the county administrationsʼ implementation of EU/EEA regulations is influenced by national ...
    • Aligning University Roles and Strategic Orientations: When Local Mandates and Global Aspirations Meet 

      Abualrub, Iyad Nabeeh Abdelfattah; Pinheiro, Romulo (Chapter, 2022)
      Recent policy developments in Norwegian higher education, aiming to nurture world-class environments, have focused on the need to strengthen teaching quality and research excellence. However, higher education institutions ...
    • Systemic risks perspectives of Eyjafjallajökull volcano's 2010 eruption 

      Kelman, Ilan; Alexander, David; Fearnley, Carina; Jenkins, Susanna; Sammonds, Peter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      In 2010, southern Iceland's Eyjafjallajökull volcano erupted, releasing ash that spread across Europe. Due to its potential to damage aircraft, much of European airspace was closed for six days. Known problems were brought ...