Master's theses in Information Systems
Nye registreringer
Digitale Skiller i Offentlige Tjenester: En Studie av Initiativet Digital Postkasse
(Master thesis, 2024)Bakgrunn: Samfunnet vårt blir stadig mer digitalisert. Alt fra å bestille en legetime til å motta valgkortet, skjer nå ved hjelp av digitale hjelpemidler. Digitale initiativer slik som Digital Postkasse har et enormt ... -
A Study of Change Management and IT Architecture in Cloud Migration Projects
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis mainly examines how the role of change management can impact cloud migration efforts in organizations. Additionally, it investigates the effect of cloud migration on IT architecture within companies. The ... -
A Study of Change Management and IT Architecture in Cloud Migration Projects
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis mainly examines how the role of change management can impact cloud migration efforts in organizations. Additionally, it investigates the effect of cloud migration on IT architecture within companies. The thesis ... -
AI-menneskelig samarbeid for saksbehandling i offentlig sektor: Hvordan utnytte teknologi og menneskelig dømmekraft til å forbedre tjenestekvaliteten?
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven gir innsikt i hvordan man best mulig kan implementere samarbeid mellom mennesker og kunstig intelligens (AI) innen saksbehandling i offentlig sektor. Gjennom en empirisk studie med ansatte i offentlige ... -
Hvordan har pandemien påvirket digitaliseringen i norske virksomheter
(Master thesis, 2024)Norge responderte på pandemien ved å øke digitaliseringen i hverdagen. Kun få år etter pandemiperioden (2019-2022) har det blitt tydelig at pandemien fungerte som en katalysator for teknologisk utvikling og digitalisering. ... -
Generative AI utilization: How developers utilize Generative AI
(Master thesis, 2024)After the deployment of generative AI, many organizations have been quick to find a way to implement it into their work processes in the hope that it will increase efficiency. There are however challenges that come with ... -
AI introduction in public organisations with blended central-regional management structures: A study of AI introduction in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV)
(Master thesis, 2024)This study investigates AI introduction in a public distributed organisation with blended regional and central management structures. The research aims to explore different perspectives within the Norwegian Labour and ... -
AI introduction in public organisations with blended central-regional management structures: A study of AI introduction in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV)
(Master thesis, 2024)This study investigates AI introduction in a public distributed organisation with blended regional and central management structures. The research aims to explore different perspectives within the Norwegian Labour and ... -
Generative AI utilization: How developers utilize Generative AI
(Master thesis, 2024)After the deployment of generative AI, many organizations have been quick to find a way to implement it into their work processes in the hope that it will increase efficiency. There are however challenges that come with ... -
AI and Identity: Investigating the Impact of Generative AI on the Work Life of Early-Career Consultants
(Master thesis, 2024)This study is an investigation into the impact that generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, and other large language models (LLM’s), have had on the work life and professional identities of consultants in the early stages ... -
Økt samarbeid i norske nødsentraler gjennom samlokalisering og digitalisering
(Master thesis, 2024)Samlokalisering av en nødsentral omfatter prosedyren om å samle de ulike nødmeldetjenestene (110, 112 og 113) på samme fysiske plass. Dette er et av flere tiltak som er iverksatt for å forbedre nødsentralene, men ... -
Økt samarbeid i norske nødsentraler gjennom samlokalisering og digitalisering
(Master thesis, 2024)Samlokalisering av en nødsentraler omfatter prosedyren om å samle de ulike nødmeldetjenestene (110, 112 og 113) på samme fysiske plass. Dette er et av flere tiltak som er iverksatt for å forbedre nødsentralene, men ... -
Optimalisering av kompetanseutvikling gjennom spillifisert opplæring i norsk offentlig sektor
(Master thesis, 2023)Denne studien undersøker bruken av spillifisering som et verktøy for kompetanseutvikling i offentlig sektor med fokus på effektivitet, engasjement og læringsprosesser. Forskningen er motivert ut av behovet for nyskapende ... -
Human-AI Collaboration in Public Services: The case of sick leave case handling in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration
(Master thesis, 2023)Public service delivery has seen a surge in demand from society in recent years, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic. It is crucial for public service organizations to keep up with digitization efforts to meet these ... -
Human-AI Collaboration in Public Services: The case of sick leave case handling in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration
(Master thesis, 2023)Public service delivery has seen a surge in demand from society in recent years, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic. It is crucial for public service organizations to keep up with digitization efforts to meet these ... -
Incorporating Human Values in Technological Innovation: A Value Sensitive Design Approach for Smartwatches
(Master thesis, 2023)This study uses Value-Sensitive Design (VSD) to explore user values related to smart-watches. As the popularity of smartwatches increases, and to build responsible and ethi-cal solutions, it is critical to reflect on what ... -
Mapping the Path to a Health Data Marketplace in Norway: An Exploratory Case Study
(Master thesis, 2023)This Master's thesis explores the complex dynamics of health data in the digital age, focusing on its secure and efficient management and ethical considerations. It investigates the potential of implementing a Health Data ... -
The adoption of Digital Twins: Drivers, enablers, barriers, challenges, and benefits
(Master thesis, 2023)The Fourth Industrial Revolution provides a wave of smart innovative technologies, where the Digital Twin is one of them. A Digital Twin is seen as a digital replica of a physical asset, process, or system, allowing real-time ... -
Mapping the Path to a Health Data Marketplace in Norway: An Exploratory Case Study
(Master thesis, 2023)This Master's thesis explores the complex dynamics of health data in the digital age, focusing on its secure and efficient management and ethical considerations. It investigates the potential of implementing a Health Data ...