Browsing Master's theses in Information Systems by Document Types "Master thesis"
Now showing items 1-20 of 133
A Study of Change Management and IT Architecture in Cloud Migration Projects
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis mainly examines how the role of change management can impact cloud migration efforts in organizations. Additionally, it investigates the effect of cloud migration on IT architecture within companies. The ... -
A Study of Change Management and IT Architecture in Cloud Migration Projects
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis mainly examines how the role of change management can impact cloud migration efforts in organizations. Additionally, it investigates the effect of cloud migration on IT architecture within companies. The thesis ... -
Achieving Sustainability Through Geodata: An Empirical Study of Challenges and Barriers
(Master thesis, 2020)Research within data management is often based on the elements of the data lifecycle. Organizations and businesses are also becoming more interested in data lifecycle management to leverage their ... -
AI and Identity: Investigating the Impact of Generative AI on the Work Life of Early-Career Consultants
(Master thesis, 2024)This study is an investigation into the impact that generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, and other large language models (LLM’s), have had on the work life and professional identities of consultants in the early stages ... -
AI introduction in public organisations with blended central-regional management structures: A study of AI introduction in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV)
(Master thesis, 2024)This study investigates AI introduction in a public distributed organisation with blended regional and central management structures. The research aims to explore different perspectives within the Norwegian Labour and ... -
AI introduction in public organisations with blended central-regional management structures: A study of AI introduction in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV)
(Master thesis, 2024)This study investigates AI introduction in a public distributed organisation with blended regional and central management structures. The research aims to explore different perspectives within the Norwegian Labour and ... -
AI-menneskelig samarbeid for saksbehandling i offentlig sektor: Hvordan utnytte teknologi og menneskelig dømmekraft til å forbedre tjenestekvaliteten?
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven gir innsikt i hvordan man best mulig kan implementere samarbeid mellom mennesker og kunstig intelligens (AI) innen saksbehandling i offentlig sektor. Gjennom en empirisk studie med ansatte i offentlige ... -
An exploratory study of how augmented reality can be utilized in emergency control rooms
(Master thesis, 2019)Konfidensiell til / confidential until 01.07.2024 -
«Anvendelse av endringsledelse i et ERP-implementeringsprosjekt i Norge» En casestudie i privat sektor.
(Master thesis, 2015)(Konfidensiell til/confidential until 01.07.2020) -
Artificial Intelligence in Norwegian organizations : An exploratory study of challenges in AI adoption
(Master thesis, 2019)In a fairly recent survey from Microsoft which evaluates the state of Artificial Intelligencein multiple European countries, it is found that Norway is lagging behind in the adoption and utilization of Artificial Intelligence. ... -
Automatisering i norske kommuner : status og veien videre
(Master thesis, 2018)Bakgrunnen for studien er å kartlegge hvor utbredt automatisering er i norske kommuner, og finne faktorer som påvirker automatiseringen. Denne eksplorative studien kombinerer ulike metoder som litteraturgjennomganger, ... -
Barrier considerations in crisis information systems
(Master thesis, 2023)Good decision-making during crisis situations is crucial to ensure fortunate outcomes by minimizing loss and damage. There are many factors that compose good decision-making, but the level of situational awareness attained ... -
Barrier considerations in crisis information systems
(Master thesis, 2023)Good decision-making during crisis situations is crucial to ensure fortunate outcomes by minimizing loss and damage. There are many factors that compose good decision-mak-ing, but the level of situational awareness attained ... -
Big Data Challenges in Emergency Management : What challenges do emergency management organizations face when implementing Big Data technology in their operations during a crisis?
(Master thesis, 2019)The use of Big Data technologies has been more common in recent years, spreading across other fields than just the business sector. Emergency management organisations are seeking to utilise technologies that can improve ... -
Big data og Cyberkriminalitet : En litteraturstudie om hvordan Big Data kan brukes for å bekjempe cyberkriminalitet
(Master thesis, 2019)Cyberkriminalitet er et økende problemi samfunnetoghackerangrepblir stadig mer komplekse og sofistikerte. Bruken av Big Data som et forvarsverktøy mot angrep er et revolusjonerendesteg i utviklingen avsikkerhetssystemerog ... -
Bruk av maskinlæring og datautvinning i primærhelsetjenesten
(Master thesis, 2019)Utgifter og kostnader knyttet til helsetjenester utgjør en stor og økende andel av offentlige utgifter, med en vekst fra54000 kr. pr. innbygger i 2013 til innbygger i 2018(Statistisk Sentralbyrå, 2019). Effektiv ... -
Bruk av mobilteknologi for å støtte forvaltning av fritidsfiske : Vil apper være et hensiktsmessig virkemiddel for forvaltning?
(Master thesis, 2021)I denne masteroppgaven har fokuset vært på mobilteknologi og bærekraft. Bakgrunnen for at denne oppgaven så dagens lys var min interesse for teknologi og mineegne erfaringer som fritidsfisker. Jeg har opplevd nedgang i ... -
Business process management and success factors – Which success factors are the basis for a successful implementation phase of a BPM project : A qualitative case study about the success factors present in the implementation phase of a single point of contact project at the University of Agder
(Master thesis, 2020)The followingmaster thesis looks into the topic of business process management and the success factors present in the implementation phase.From prior research, it was discovered that there is a research gap in ... -
Change Management in Digitalization of Higher Education : A Case Study of MOSO Implementation
(Master thesis, 2020)Context: During the past two decades, we have witnessed a wave of digitalization that has affected every part of society, and digital solutions have become a part of peoples’everyday life. Digitalization implies changing ... -
Citizens' Willingness to Adopt Digital Contact Tracing Applications: Findings from a mixed methods study in Norway
(Master thesis, 2022)Context: Early 2020, the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic began to spread globally. Digital contact tracing (DCT) applications began development soon after to help mitigate the spread and contain this major crisis. In Norway, ...