Browsing Scientific Publications in Health and Nursing Science by Title
Now showing items 153-172 of 532
Factors associated with health-related quality of life in people living with HIV in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Family Caregivers' Experiences in Nursing Homes: Narratives on Human Dignity and Uneasiness
(Journal article, 2014) -
Family caregivers’ involvement in caring for frail older family members using welfare technology: a qualitative study of home care in transition
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Demographic, economic and organisational changes challenge home care services. Increased use of welfare technology and involvement of family members as co-producers of care are political initiatives to meet these challenges. ... -
Family involvement in the intensive care unit in four Nordic countries
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Family involvement in the intensive care unit in four Nordic countries
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Family members’ satisfaction with care and decision-making in intensive care units and post-stay follow-up needs—a cross sectional survey study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
Fasilitering av opprykksprosessen : Veiledningsformer og erfaringer
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020)The chapter presents experiences derived from the facilitating program for associate professors seeking promotion as qualified docents (professors) at the University of Agder. Two participants from the docent seminar program ... -
En fenomenologisk inngang til profesjonsetikken : Tillit i praksis - forutsetning eller fortjeneste?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Tema for artikkelen er tilliten i pasient-behandler-relasjonen. Det tas utgangspunkt i profesjonsetikk og profesjonsmoral, og hva dette innebærer, før profesjonsmoralen belyses via et grunnleggende fenomen som tillit. Et ... -
Feriereise kan ha positiv innvirkning på pasienter med demenslidelse
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Aim. To gain knowledge about how a holiday trip to Spain with adapted cultural activities may affect a group of patients with dementia disorder. Background. With the increasing number of people suffering from dementia, ... -
Finding ways to carry on : stories of vulnerability in chronic illness
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Five-year results of a treatment program for chronic hepatitis B in Ethiopia
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In sub-Saharan Africa, less than 1% of treatment-eligible chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients receive antiviral therapy. Experiences from local CHB programs are needed to inform treatment guidelines and policies on the ... -
Food as medicine in psychiatric care: Which profession should be responsible for imparting knowledge and use of omega-3 fatty acids in psychiatry
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)The effect of omega-3 fatty acids on depression is well documented. The purpose of this study was to determine if and how food is used as medicine in psychiatric care, especially how omega-3 fatty acids are used as a ... -
Forma mentis networks map how nursing and engineering students enhance their mindsets about innovation and health during professional growth
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Reconstructing a "forma mentis", a mindset, and its changes, means capturing how individuals perceive topics, trends and experiences over time. To this aim we use forma mentis networks (FMNs), which enable direct, microscopic ... -
Forutsetninger for vellykket sosial innovasjon i sykehjem: ledernes perspektiv
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Frailty and oral health-related quality of life in community-dwelling older adults: a cross-sectional study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Frequent blood flow restricted training not to failure and to failure induces similar gains in myonuclei and muscle mass
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The purpose of the present study was to compare the effects of short-term high-frequency failure vs non-failure blood flow–restricted resistance exercise (BFRRE) on changes in satellite cells (SCs), myonuclei, muscle size, ... -
"Frisk, men likevel ikke som før-" : slagrammedes erfaringer etter hjerneslag og trombolytisk behandling
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Bakgrunn: Et hjerneslag kan forårsake store funksjonshemminger og medfører økt risiko for nye hjerneslag. Intravenøs trombolytisk behandling kan føre til ingen eller minimale mén etter hjerneslaget. Det er begrenset kunnskap ... -
""Frisk, men likevel ikke som før-"" : slagrammedes erfaringer etter hjerneslag og trombolytisk behandling
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
From evidence-based to sustainable healthcare: Cochrane revisited
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Evidence-based healthcare is the prevailing model for healthcare services. In Cochrane's seminal thinking, political context was included with the purpose of promoting healthcare equity. However, the subsequent evidence-based ...