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dc.contributor.authorKrajinovic, Stevica
dc.descriptionMasteroppgave i utøvende musikk 2006 - Høgskolen i Agder, Kristiansanden
dc.description.abstractProblems of singers in opera plays deals with two aspects, vocal and stage-acting in two operas W.A.Mozart “Don Giovanni” and G.Donizetti “L’elisir D’amore”. It is written in the English language by Stevica Krajinovic and it is 43 pages long. It is a master thesis from the Agder University College, the Conservatory of Music in Kristiansand Norway, the classical department. The Thesis is divided into eight sections. The First section is an introduction with methods and aim. In the second section I am writing about the history and significance of opera including evolution of the opera and comments about Mozart and Donizetti through history written by Geoffrey Riggs. In the third section I try to explore different kinds of problems which are present in different operas. In the fourth section I start to investigate the Vocal aspect and possible solutions including some knowledge and techniques. In the fifth section I investigate the second problem, Stage-acting aspect and possible solutions. In the sixth section I start to explore the main problem, relations between Vocal and Stageacting aspects in two operas “Don Giovanni” by Mozart and “L’elisire D’amore” by Donizetti. In the Seventh section I give my conclusions.en
dc.format.extent4420128 bytes
dc.publisherHøgskolen i Agder
dc.publisherAgder University College
dc.titleProblems of singers in opera playsen
dc.typeMaster thesisen
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Humaniora: 0::Musikkvitenskap: 110::Annen musikkvitenskap: 119
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Humaniora: 0::Musikkvitenskap: 110::Musikkteori: 112

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