Now showing items 21-40 of 423

    • Reliktfloraen på våre middelalderlige kirkesteder 

      Åsen, Per Arvid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Mange nytteplanter ble innført og dyrket i Norden i vikingtid og middelalder. Reliktplanter er levende fortidsminner som på forskjellig vis har overlevd siden de ble introdusert. Over 600 kirkesteder fra middelalderen er ...
    • Does sedation with AQUI-S® mitigate transport stress and post transport mortality in ballan wrasse (Labrus bergyltae)? 

      Calabrese, Sara; Jonassen, Thor Magne; Steigum, Endre; Åsnes, Helga Øen; Imsland, Albert; Saude, Carolina Serra; Wergeland, Truls; Höglund, Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) are commonly used as cleaner fish in salmon farms as a biological treatment to mitigate sea lice infestation. Improved welfare for cleaner fish both during production of these fish and when ...
    • No additional stress of sublethal gas supersaturation in a landlocked population of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) exposed to environmental acidification 

      Höglund, Erik; Loland, Lifen Zhou; Høgberget, Rolf; Skov, Peter Vilhelm; Velle, Gaute (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      The landlocked Atlantic salmon population “bleke” faces extinction due to environmental acidification (EA) and hydropower expansion in the Norwegian river Otra. Despite of restoration, unexpected mortality has been reported ...
    • Microzooplankton communities and their grazing of phytoplankton under artificial upwelling in the oligotrophic ocean 

      Spilling, Kristian; Arellano San Martín, Mirian; Granlund, Mira; Schulz, Kai G.; Spisla, Carsten; Vanharanta, Mari; Goldenberg, Silvan Urs; Riebesell, Ulf (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Ocean artificial upwelling has been suggested to boost primary production and increase harvestable resources such as fish. Yet, for this ecosystem-based approach to work, an effective energy transfer up the food web is ...
    • Evidence of hybridization between genetically distinct Baltic cod stocks during peak population abundance(s) 

      Helmerson, Cecilia; Weist, Peggy; Brieuc, Marine Servane Ono; Maurstad, Marius Filomeno; Schade, Franziska Maria; Dierking, Jan; Petereit, Christoph; Knutsen, Halvor; Metcalfe, Julian; Righton, David; André, Carl; Krumme, Uwe; Jentoft, Sissel; Hanel, Reinhold (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Range expansions can lead to increased contact of divergent populations, thus increasing the potential of hybridization events. Whether viable hybrids are produced will most likely depend on the level of genomic divergence ...
    • How genomics can help biodiversity conservation 

      Theissinger, Kathrin; Fernandes, Carlos; Formenti, Giulio; Bista, Iliana; Berg, Paul Ragnar; Bleidorn, Christoph; Bombarely, Aureliano; Crottini, Angelica; Gallo, Guido R.; Godoy, José A.; Jentoft, Sissel; Malukiewicz, Joanna; Mouton, Alice; Oomen, Rebekah Alice; Paez, Sadye; Palsbøll, Per J.; Pampoulie, Christophe; Ruiz-López, María J.; Secomandi, Simona; Svardal, Hannes; Theofanopoulou, Constantina; de Vries, Jan; Waldvogel, Ann-Marie; Zhang, Guojie; Jarvis, Erich D.; Bálint, Miklós; Ciofi, Claudio; Waterhouse, Robert M.; Mazzoni, Camila J.; Höglund, Jacob; Aghayan, Sargis A.; Alioto, Tyler S.; Almudí, Isabel; Alvarez, Nadir; Alves, Paulo C.; do Rosario, Isabel R. Amorim; Antunes, Agostinho; Arribas, Paula; Baldrian, Petr; Bertorelle, Giorgio; Böhne, Astrid; Bonisoli-Alquati, Andrea; Boštjančić, Ljudevit L.; Boussau, Bastien; Breton, Catherine M.; Buzan, Elena; Campos, Paula F.; Carreras, Carlos; Castro, L. Filipe C.; Chueca, Luis J.; Gilbert, Marcus Thomas Pius; Heintzman, Peter D.; Jakobsen, Kjetill Sigurd; Matschiner, Michael; Zammit, Gabrielle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The availability of public genomic resources can greatly assist biodiversity assessment, conservation, and restoration efforts by providing evidence for scientifically informed management decisions. Here we survey the main ...
    • The evolving story of catadromy in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) 

      Durif, Caroline; Arts, M.; Bertolini, F.; Cresci, Alessandro; Daverat, F.; Karlsbakk, Egil Erlingsson; Koprivnikar, J.; Moland, Even; Olsen, Esben Moland; Parzanini, C.; Power, M.; Rohtla, Mehis; Skiftesvik, Anne Berit; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak; Vøllestad, Leif Asbjørn; Browman, Howard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Anguillid eels were once considered to be the classic example of catadromy. However, alternative life cycles have been reported, including skipping the freshwater phase and habitat shifting between fresh, brackish, and ...
    • Challenges in supplying empirical proof for predictions derived from Species Distribution Models (SDMs): the case of an invasive cyanobacterium 

      Meriggi, Carlotta; Mershad, Maliheh; Johnson, Richard K.; Laugen, Ane Timenes; Drakare, Stina (Journal article, 2023)
      Species distribution models (SDMs) calibrated with bioclimatic variables revealed a high probability for range expansion of the invasive toxin producing cyanobacterium, Raphidiopsis raciborskii to Sweden, where no reports ...
    • Dataset from a mesocosm experiment on brownification in the Baltic Sea 

      Spilling, Kristian; Asmala, Eero; Haavisto, Noora; Haraguchi, Lumi; Kraft, Kaisa; Lehto, Anne-Mari; Lewandowska, Aleksandra; Norkko, Joanna; Piiparinen, Jonna; Seppälä, Jukka; Vanharanta, Mari; Vehmaa, Anu; Ylöstalo, Pasi; Tamminen, Timo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Climate change is projected to cause brownification of some coastal seas due to increased runoff of terrestrially derived organic matter. We carried out a mesocosm experiment over 15 days to test the effect of this on the ...
    • Contrasting management regimes indicative of mesopredator release in temperate coastal fish assemblages 

      Synnes, Ann-Elin; Olsen, Esben Moland; Jorde, Per Erik; Knutsen, Halvor; Moland, Even (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The absence of functional top predators has been proposed as a mechanism acting to shape fish assemblages in temperate marine ecosystems, with cascading effects on lower trophic levels. We explore this scenario by comparing ...
    • Temperature and prey density drive growth and otolith formation of the world's most valuable fish stock 

      Ofelio, Claudia; Moyano, Marta; Sswat, Michael; Rioual, Fanny; Moullec, Fabien; Aguirre Velarde, Arturo; Peck, Myron A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Peruvian anchovy (Engraulis ringens) represents the largest single-species fishery worldwide. Knowledge on how temperature and prey availability influences growth and age estimation during marine fish early life stages is ...
    • Opposing Responses to Scarcity Emerge from Functionally Unique Sociality Drivers 

      Kao, Albert B.; Hund, Amanda K.; Santos, Fernando P.; Young, Jean-Gabriel; Bhat, Deepak; Garland, Joshua; Oomen, Rebekah Alice; McCreery, Helen F. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      From biofilms to whale pods, organisms across taxalive in groups, thereby accruing numerous diverse benefits of soci-ality. All social organisms, however, pay the inherent cost of in-creased resource competition. One expects ...
    • Home Range, Movement, and Nest Use of Hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) in an Urban Environment Prior to Hibernation 

      Korslund, Lars; Floden, Marius Stener; Albertsen, Milla Mona Sophie; Landsverk, Amalie; Løkken, Karen Margrete Vestgård; Johansen, Beate Strøm (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The West European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) is in decline, and it is important to identify its challenges. We used VHF-telemetry to monitor pre-hibernation space use, nest use, and hibernation sites in a suburban area ...
    • New indicators for monitoring genetic diversity applied to alpine brown trout populations using whole genome sequence data 

      Kurland, Sara; Saha, Atal; Keehnen, Naomi; de la Paz Celorio-Mancera, Maria; Díez-del-Molino, David; Ryman, Nils; Laikre, Linda (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      International policy recently adopted commitments to maintain genetic diversity in wild populations to secure their adaptive potential, including metrics to monitor temporal trends in genetic diversity – so-called indicators. ...
    • Weaving sustainability: Asset modification and green path development in Norway’s outdoor textile industry 

      Firlus, Benjamin Hans; Martin, Roman; Rypestøl, Jan Ole (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The article contributes to the literature on industrial path development through its focus on asset modification for green path development in the Norwegian outdoor textile industry. The authors drew on the concepts of ...
    • Exploring Living Nature : Modes of observation in history, teaching and learning 

      Lien, Anne (Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder; no. 449, Doctoral thesis, 2024)
      The purpose of this study is to phenomenologically explore the practices of observing living nature in history, teaching, and learning, and to discuss potentials and constraints with teaching and learning observational ...
    • A synthesis review of nature positive approaches and coexistence in the offshore wind industry 

      Pardo, Juan Carlos Farias; Aune, Magnus; Harman, Christopher; Walday, Mats; Skjellum, Solrun Figenschau (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Offshore wind is one of the major fast-growing renewable energy industries, and sustainable implementation of offshore wind farms (OWF) is desired. Nature positive approaches have been proposed to promote biodiversity gain ...
    • A contrastive learning approach for individual re-identification in a wild fish population 

      Olsen, Ørjan Langøy; Sørdalen, Tonje Knutsen; Goodwin, Morten; Malde, Ketil; Knausgård, Kristian Muri; Halvorsen, Kim Aleksander Tallaksen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      In both terrestrial and marine ecology, physical tagging is a frequently used method to study population dynamics and behavior. However, such tagging techniques are increasingly being replaced by individual re-identification ...
    • Ten priority questions for increasing the consistency and success in hatchery production of the European flat oyster for habitat restoration 

      Zu Ermgassen, Philine S.E.; Albentosa, Marina; Bakker, Nienke; Blanco, Ainhoa; Bonačić, Kruno; Carboni, Stefano; Brundu, Gianni; Colsoul, Bérenger; Araujo Piñeiro, Nicolás; Da Costa, Fiz; Dubbeldam, Marco; Fabra, Monica; Galley, Thomas; Gowland, Dennis; Jones, Nicholas; Hernández, Ángel; Hernandis, Sebastián; Laugen, Ane Timenes; Magnesen, Thorolf; Malham, Shelagh; Pogoda, Bernadette; Preston, Joanne; Sas, Hein; Saurel, Camille; Barja, Juan L.; Kamermans, Pauline (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The European flat oyster, Ostrea edulis, once formed extensive reef habitats throughout European seas and estuaries. These reefs are now largely functionally extinct, yet interest and support for their restoration is rapidly ...
    • Juvenile survival and movements of two threatened oceanic sharks in the North Atlantic Ocean inferred from tag-recovery data 

      Mucientes, Gonzalo; Fernández-Chacón, Albert; Queiroz, Nuno; Sims, David W.; Villegas-Ríos, David (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Understanding population dynamics, movements, and fishing mortality is critical to establish effective shark conservation measures across international boundaries in the ocean. There are few survival and dispersal estimates ...