• Fully protected marine areas linked to reduced home ranges of fishes 

      Ohayon, Sarah; Abecasis, David; Almeida, Pedro R.; Alós, Josep; Aspillaga, Eneko; Belo, Ana Filipa; Costa, José Lino; Di Franco, Antonio; Di Lorenzo, Manfredi; Ferguson, Adrian; Guidetti, Paolo; Kraft, Sebastian; La Mesa, Gabriele; Olsen, Esben Moland; Parsons, Darren; Pickholtz, Renanel; Quintella, Bernardo R.; Silva, Ana Filipa; Taylor, Brett M.; Villegas-Ríos, David; Belmaker, Jonathan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Home range size is a fundamental trait that can affect the probability of fish being harvested and, at the same time, may be affected by fishing. The relationship between home range size and fishing will impact the ...
    • Importance of environmental signals for cardiac morphological development in Atlantic salmon 

      Vindas, Marco; Engdal, Vilde Arntzen; Kavaliauskiene, Simona; Folkedal, Ole; Höglund, Erik; Moyano, Marta; Øverli, Øyvind; Frisk, Michael; Johansen, Ida Beitnes (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      The hearts of salmonids display remarkable plasticity, adapting to various environmental factors that influence cardiac function and demand. For instance, in response to cold temperature, the salmonid heart undergoes growth ...
    • Non‐linearity in interspecific interactions in response to climate change: cod and haddock as an example 

      Durant, Joel Marcel; Ono, Kotaro; Stenseth, Nils Christian; Langangen, Øystein (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)