Now showing items 281-300 of 508

    • Playing Axis & Allies Revised Using Learning Automata 

      Lie, Gjermund Karlsen (Master thesis, 2009)
      The Artficial Intelligence (AI) of opponents in computer games in general, and in strategy games in particular, have been plagued with performance problems of many kinds since they first appeared. Not the least of these ...
    • Automatic data extraction from online discussion boards 

      Chen, Xiongjie; Hvistendahl, Erik Victor (Master thesis, 2009)
      There has been written many papers on field of mining data from structured web pages. However, few if any of these papers focus on the area of retrieving specific parts of discussion board postings. A discussion board ...
    • Visualization and diagnostic data for the Condition-Based Maintenance system 

      Yao, Wenjun (Master thesis, 2009)
      Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM) system is getting quite popular in the industry and defense fields these days. A CBM system can efficiently predict the potential failures of the system and send the alarms. As a result, ...
    • Problem/issue detection and classification 

      Nilsen, Frode (Master thesis, 2009)
      This thesis investigates the possibility of using pattern recognition and machine learning to detect online forum posts containing descriptions of problems and issues. In addition we seek to further classify these posts ...
    • Scenarios for Crisis in European Critical Energy Infrastructure 

      Li, Jing; Li, Pei (Master thesis, 2009)
      A sudden crisis occurrence, such as a big electricity cut, might not be regarded as an isolated incident: In almost all cases, a power outage crisis might bring about multiple losses with e.g. legal, social and economic ...
    • Investigating Power Consumption in 802.11 WLANs: Measurement, Visualization, and Improvement 

      Li, Meng (Master thesis, 2009)
      802.11 based wireless local area network (WLAN) has been increasingly supported by handheld devices. However, supporting WLAN functionality is extremely energy consuming since the connectivity has to be maintained even ...
    • Semantic Web for Data integration within Oil & Gas or maritime 

      Kuang, Li (Master thesis, 2009)
      The Semantic Web technology has become quite popular recently. The ontology-based data integration architecture is the important part of Semantic Web technology. It enables the sharing of concept with common schemas and ...
    • Security in NFC with Wi‐Fi Protected Setup as a use 

      Magnussen, Rune; Oppheim, Sølve (Master thesis, 2008)
      Near Field Communication is a short‐range communication channel that is one of the most promising technologies around. One of the purposes for this technology is to simplify first‐time connections to other wireless ...
    • Software Development Process Improvement in Datacom Platform 

      Trabelsi, Walid (Master thesis, 2008)
      Ericsson Mobile Platform (EMP) is responsible of the development of a software platform and also to some extend responsible for related hardware parts. EMP is developing the data communication parts of the platform which ...
    • Evaluation of the Perceived Effects of a Video Conferencing for Windows Mobile 

      Xiong, Wen (Master thesis, 2008)
      The aim of this thesis is to test the video quality in videoconferencing from the end user’s perception based on the Windows Mobile EMP platform. Video conferencing is promising service in practice and the quality of the ...
    • A Generic Model of Project Management with Dynaplan smia 

      Ni, Chen (Master thesis, 2008)
      Projects are hard to be managed due to the reason of complexity, non -linear relationship and high dynamic. System dynamics has been proven a powerful and efficient way to manage projects. In this research, a generic ...
    • Pattern recognition based authentication in mobile and wireless systems 

      Jun, Yuan (Master thesis, 2008)
      During last several decades’ mobile communication has aimed a dramatically development, and brought remarkable change of people’s life. Mobile communication offer wireless connectivity that enables mobility and computing ...
    • Handling of IP-Addresses in the Context of Remote Access 

      Zhu, Li (Master thesis, 2008)
      For various reasons (e.g., security, lack of IPv4-addresses) the services in the home smart space only use private IP addresses. This is unfortunate in the remote service access since these addresses frequently appear ...
    • Securing Assets with RFID 

      Oustad, Mats; Chanrasekaram, Santhakumar (Master thesis, 2008)
      Loss of property is something every company has had to deal with at some point, without proper securing this is a problem that is very hard to get control of. RFID has been available for decades but it has been a technology ...
    • Identifying Geographic Terms within Natural Language Text 

      Moy, Ole-Alexander (Master thesis, 2008)
      The huge amount of textual data available in digital form in today’s world increases the need for methods that facilitate ease of access and navigability. Automatic extraction of keywords from text bodies is one promising ...
    • A generic model of project management with Vensim 

      Li, Suinan (Master thesis, 2008)
      Large projects without good management will often cause cost and deadline overruns, missing the project scope and insufficient quality. The construction of the channel tunnel which link between England and France was ...
    • Clustering with Terracotta 

      Sun, Wei (Master thesis, 2008)
      In today’s java community, modern enterprise application products have more constraints and requirements then ever. High availability, application scalability and also good performance are required, which means an ...
    • Mobilteknologi til videokommunikasjon ved trygghetsalarmer 

      Nordby, Reidar (Master thesis, 2007)
      Denne rapporten behandler bruk av mobiltelefoner som alarmsentral for hjemmeboende brukere. Studien legger vekt på de forskjellige mobile netts egenskaper og begrensninger som alarmbefordrer. Ønske om videotelefoni som ...
    • Stochastic Learning-Based Estimation Methods for Pattern Recognition and Its Application to Topic Detection and Tracking 

      Stensby, Aleksander Mølsæther (Master thesis, 2008)
      Every Pattern Recognition (PR) problem involves a training and a testing phase. In the training phase, the system is presented with samples, using which the distribution (also called the classconditional distribution), ...
    • Optimized distribution of internationalized DRM-protected multimedia content 

      Kroken, Christian; Tvedt, Sigbjørn (Master thesis, 2008)
      In this project we have looked into different streaming technologies, transport methods and ways of securing the content. We have performed an analysis of the performance in different scenarios, and tested different ways ...