Master's theses in Renewable Energy
Nye registreringer
Pyro-gasification of municipal solid waste for hydrogen production: A Sustainable Efficiency Analysis (SEA) from Norwegian perspective
(Master thesis, 2024)The sustainable management of Municipal solid waste (MSW) or Industrial Solid Waste (ISW) is a critical challenge, particularly in regions with surplus energy potential, such as Norway. The emissions from waste incineration ... -
Multi-Fault Classification of PMSM with Frequency-Domain Feature Analysis using Supervised Machine Learning
(Master thesis, 2024)This study presents a comparative data-driven method to enhance the robustness of low-severity, multi-fault classification in noisy dynamic conditions for permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM) with supervised machine ... -
Exploring high-temperature carbonization effects on petroleum coke for use in sodium-ion battery anodes
(Master thesis, 2024)With the rapid growth of battery usage in both grid-storage and electric vehicle applications, the incentives for exploring alternative batteries outside the traditional lithium-ion batteries have increased exponentially. ... -
Investigation of cell orientation on cycling and ageing behaviour of 18650 cells, a study of commercial lithium-ion battery cell degradation in aging experiments.
(Master thesis, 2024)This master’s thesis investigates the impact of battery cell orientation on cycling and aging behaviour, focusing exclusively on Samsung 35E - 18650 cells. Previous research has suggested a recovery and gravity effect in ... -
Structural health monitoring of the mooring system for a dual-spar floating wind farm.
(Master thesis, 2024)The expansion of offshore wind energy into floating platforms introduces unique challenges, particularly in the stability and maintenance of mooring systems, which is crucial for maintaining structural integrity. This study ... -
Dynamic analysis of shared anchor loads for a prototype floating offshore wind farm
(Master thesis, 2024)Floating offshore wind turbines are subjected to hydrodynamic and aerodynamic loads that affect the design criteria of the anchor and mooring systems. An anchor system with a well-designed shared anchor (SA) can help reduce ... -
Cost optimization of green hydrogen production at Pikerfoss RoR hydropower plant
(Master thesis, 2024)More sustainable energy solutions are of high interest as the global energy demand continues to grow. Hydropower is a well-developed renewable energy technology that has great potential for integrating power-to-gas technology. ... -
Structural health monitoring of the mooring system for a dual-spar floating wind farm
(Master thesis, 2024)The expansion of offshore wind energy into floating platforms introduces unique challenges, particularly in the stability and maintenance of mooring systems, which is crucial for maintaining structural integrity. This study ... -
Water processed LNMO cathodes
(Master thesis, 2024)Post-treatment of LNMO active material is an effective means of bringing down the pH levels for water- processed LNMO cathode slurries. pH levels between 8.4 ± 0.3 are obtained in this experiment compared to ph levels of ... -
Case Study of Alternatives to Grid Expansion: Reducing Grid Connection Requirements for Large Scale EV Charging Stations through Photovoltaic and Energy Storage Integration
(Master thesis, 2024)The increasing share of electric vehicles requires more charging stations, which in turn de- mands more available grid capacity. In many situations, this necessitates an expansion in the regional and transmission grid, ... -
Case Study of Alternatives to Grid Expansion
(Master thesis, 2024)Den økende andelen av elbiler krever flere ladestasjoner, noe som igjen krever ny ledig net- tkapasitet. I mange sitasjoner krever dette en utbedring i det overliggende nett, som både er dyrt og tidkrevende. Denne oppgaven ... -
Electrolyte effect on performance and lifetime of sodium – ion batteries
(Master thesis, 2024)Sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) are a promising alternative to lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) due to their sodium abundance, lower cost, non-toxicity, and environmental benefits. Intercalation-type anode materials obtained from ... -
Optimization of Rotor Tilts in a Floating Offshore Wind Farm
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis aims to optimize the total power output of a wind farm with 11 turbines by adjusting individual tilt angles for each turbine, and looking at what scenarios provide optimal tilts. This is done using PyWake to ... -
A deterministic hosting capacity analysis for penetration of load and production on medium voltage distribution grid in Agder
(Master thesis, 2024)In this master thesis a deterministic hosting capacity calculations were done. Hosting capacity is the residual power capacity in the grid, available for new customers who wish to connect to the. Locations and cases were ... -
A deterministic hosting capacity analysis for penetration of load and production on medium voltage distribution grid in Agder
(Master thesis, 2024)In this master thesis a deterministic hosting capacity calculations were done. Hosting capacity is the residual power capacity in the grid, available for new customers who wish to connect to the. Locations and cases were ... -
Håndtering og Integrering av Solenergiens Overskuddsproduksjon i Distribusjonsnettet
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker integrasjonen av solenergi i det norske kraftsystemet, med fokus på spenningsstabilitet og belastning i distribusjonsnettet på mellomspenningsnivå. Oppgaven har flere hovedmål: å analysere ... -
Håndtering og Integrering av Solenergiens Overskuddsproduksjon i Distribusjonsnettet
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker integrasjonen av solenergi i det norske kraftsystemet, med fokus på spenningsstabilitet og belastning i distribusjonsnettet på mellomspenningsnivå. Oppgaven har flere hovedmål: å analysere ... -
Enhancing TGA-MS Techniques for Improved Gas Detection in Petcoke Gasifiaction
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne studien undersøker hvordan petroleumskoks brytes ned under varme ved hjelp av en teknikk kalt termogravimetrisk analyse-massespektrometri. Forskningen hjelper oss å forstå hvordan endringer i temperatur, luftkontroll ... -
Three-dimensional micro-siting of offshore wind farms
(Master thesis, 2024)Norsk: Denne masteroppgaven undersøker en metode for tredimensjonal micro-siting for vindparker på havområdet Sørlige Nordsjø II, ved simulering i programmet WindSim. For å gjøre dette er prosjektet er delt opp i to deler ... -
Numerical modelling, calibration and analysis of an offshore floating photovoltaic concept
(Master thesis, 2024)Among various renewable energy technologies, offshore Floating Photovoltaics (FPV) represents a new and favorable approach to the constantly diminishing amounts of fossil fuels and the need to reduce carbon emissions in ...