Viser treff 301-320 av 3383

    • Active damage mitigation of the blade leading edge erosion for a wind turbine during rainfall events 

      RIPOLL, ÁLVARO ÚBEDA; Jiang, Zhiyu; Verma, Amrit Shankar; Zhou, Jing (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Leading edge erosion (LEE) of wind turbine blades is a major concern for the wind turbine industry. LEE leads to increased blade surface roughness and incurs significant repair and maintenance costs. To address this issue, ...
    • How genomics can help biodiversity conservation 

      Theissinger, Kathrin; Fernandes, Carlos; Formenti, Giulio; Bista, Iliana; Berg, Paul Ragnar; Bleidorn, Christoph; Bombarely, Aureliano; Crottini, Angelica; Gallo, Guido R.; Godoy, José A.; Jentoft, Sissel; Malukiewicz, Joanna; Mouton, Alice; Oomen, Rebekah Alice; Paez, Sadye; Palsbøll, Per J.; Pampoulie, Christophe; Ruiz-López, María J.; Secomandi, Simona; Svardal, Hannes; Theofanopoulou, Constantina; de Vries, Jan; Waldvogel, Ann-Marie; Zhang, Guojie; Jarvis, Erich D.; Bálint, Miklós; Ciofi, Claudio; Waterhouse, Robert M.; Mazzoni, Camila J.; Höglund, Jacob; Aghayan, Sargis A.; Alioto, Tyler S.; Almudí, Isabel; Alvarez, Nadir; Alves, Paulo C.; do Rosario, Isabel R. Amorim; Antunes, Agostinho; Arribas, Paula; Baldrian, Petr; Bertorelle, Giorgio; Böhne, Astrid; Bonisoli-Alquati, Andrea; Boštjančić, Ljudevit L.; Boussau, Bastien; Breton, Catherine M.; Buzan, Elena; Campos, Paula F.; Carreras, Carlos; Castro, L. Filipe C.; Chueca, Luis J.; Gilbert, Marcus Thomas Pius; Heintzman, Peter D.; Jakobsen, Kjetill Sigurd; Matschiner, Michael; Zammit, Gabrielle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The availability of public genomic resources can greatly assist biodiversity assessment, conservation, and restoration efforts by providing evidence for scientifically informed management decisions. Here we survey the main ...
    • A Systematic Literature Review of 3D Deep Learning Techniques in Computed Tomography Reconstruction 

      Rahman, Hameedur; Khan, Abdur Rehman; Sadiq, Touseef; Farooqi, Ashfaq Hussain; Khan, Inam Ullah; Lim, Wei Hong (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Computed tomography (CT) is used in a wide range of medical imaging diagnoses. However, the reconstruction of CT images from raw projection data is inherently complex and is subject to artifacts and noise, which compromises ...
    • The evolving story of catadromy in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) 

      Durif, Caroline; Arts, M.; Bertolini, F.; Cresci, Alessandro; Daverat, F.; Karlsbakk, Egil Erlingsson; Koprivnikar, J.; Moland, Even; Olsen, Esben Moland; Parzanini, C.; Power, M.; Rohtla, Mehis; Skiftesvik, Anne Berit; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak; Vøllestad, Leif Asbjørn; Browman, Howard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Anguillid eels were once considered to be the classic example of catadromy. However, alternative life cycles have been reported, including skipping the freshwater phase and habitat shifting between fresh, brackish, and ...
    • Improved Reptile Search Optimization Algorithm: Application on Regression and Classification Problems 

      Khan, Muhammad Kamran; Zafar, Muhammad Hamza; Rashid, Saad; Mansoor, Majad; Moosavi, Syed Kumayl Raza; Sanfilippo, Filippo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The reptile search algorithm is a newly developed optimization technique that can efficiently solve various optimization problems. However, while solving high-dimensional nonconvex optimization problems, the reptile search ...
    • Pre-Service Teachers’ Self-efficacy as Future Mathematics Teachers in a Second Language Classroom 

      Opheim, Linda Gurvin; Knutsen, Kristoffer Heggelund; Brodahl, Cornelia (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      This study contributes to the field of research on teacher self-efficacy by investigating a group of multilingual pre-service teachers’ perceptions of self-efficacy in Norwegian mathematics classrooms. In recent years, ...
    • Challenges in supplying empirical proof for predictions derived from Species Distribution Models (SDMs): the case of an invasive cyanobacterium 

      Meriggi, Carlotta; Mershad, Maliheh; Johnson, Richard K.; Laugen, Ane Timenes; Drakare, Stina (Journal article, 2023)
      Species distribution models (SDMs) calibrated with bioclimatic variables revealed a high probability for range expansion of the invasive toxin producing cyanobacterium, Raphidiopsis raciborskii to Sweden, where no reports ...
    • Life cycle cost analysis of a floating wind farm in the Norwegian Sea 

      Bjørni, Fredrik Andersen; Lien, Sverre; Midtgarden, Torjus Aasrum; Santos, Laura-Castro; Jiang, Zhiyu (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The offshore wind energy industry has witnessed rapid growth in the past decade. Still, there is a lack of commercial floating wind projects due to the relatively high development costs and other factors. To facilitate the ...
    • Development and Testing of an Individualized Sensorised 3D Printed Upper Limb Bicycle Prosthesis for Adult Patients 

      Górski, Filip; Rybarczyk, Dominik; Wichniarek, Radosław; Wierzbicka, Natalia; Kuczko, Wiesław; Żukowska, Magdalena; Regulski, Roman; Pacurar, Razvan; Comsa, Dan-Sorin; Baila, Diana-Irinel; Zelenay, Martin; Sanfilippo, Filippo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This paper presents the outcomes of investigations conducted on the development procedure of a personalized prosthetic device for an adult patient. The individualization is achieved through 3D scanning, followed by ...
    • Experimental Evaluation of Extended Reality Technologies in the Development of Individualized Three-Dimensionally Printed Upper Limb Prostheses 

      Górski, Filip; Łabudzki, Remigiusz; Żukowska, Magdalena; Sanfilippo, Filippo; Ottestad, Morten; Zelenay, Martin; Băilă, Diana-Irinel; Pacurar, Razvan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This paper presents results from experimental studies that assess the utilization of virtual, augmented, and mixed reality (VR, AR, MR) at different stages of developing personalized 3D printed upper limb prostheses for ...
    • Development and Studies of VR-Assisted Hand Therapy Using a Customized Biomechatronic 3D Printed Orthosis 

      Górski, Filip; Grohs, Aleksandra; Kuczko, Wiesław; Żukowska, Magdalena; Wichniarek, Radosław; Siwiec, Sabina; Băilă, Diana-Irinel; Zelenay, Martin; Pacurar, Razvan; Sanfilippo, Filippo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This article presents the process of development, testing, and use of wrist–hand orthosis in the hand therapy of a teen patient with congenital paresis disease. A regular 3D-printed anatomically adjusted orthosis is modified ...
    • Distributed Online Course in Game Modification 

      Ridley, Leander (Master thesis, 2023)
      Creation of a online course hosted on the communcation platform Discord about learning game modification skills. The course design is inspired and informed by several theories. The course was tested between two groups of ...
    • Federated transfer learning with orchard-optimized Conv-SGRU: A novel approach to secure and accurate photovoltaic power forecasting 

      Salman Bukhari, Syed Muhammad; Raza Moosavi, Syed Kumayl; Zafar, Muhammad Hamza; Mansoor, Majad; Mohyuddin, Hassan; Sajid Ullah, Syed; Alroobaea, Roobaea; Sanfilippo, Filippo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Accurate photovoltaic (PV) power forecasting is pivotal for optimizing the integration of RES into the grid and guaranteeing proficient energy management. Concurrently, the sensitive nature of data obtained from individual ...
    • Early Mental Stress Detection Using Q-Learning Embedded Starling Murmuration Optimiser-Based Deep Learning Model 

      Moosavi, Syed Kumayl Raza; Zafar, Muhammad Hamza; Sanfilippo, Filippo; Akhter, Malik Naveed; Hadi, Shahzaib Farooq (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Stress affects individual of all ages as a regular part of life, but excessive and chronic stress can lead to physical and mental health problems, decreased productivity, and reduced quality of life. By identifying stress ...
    • Step towards secure and reliable smart grids in Industry 5.0: A federated learning assisted hybrid deep learning model for electricity theft detection using smart meters 

      Zafar, Muhammad Hamza; Bukhari, Syed Muhammad Salman; Abou Houran, Mohamad; Moosavi, Syed Kumayl Raza; Mansoor, Majad; Al-Tawalbeh, Nedaa; Sanfilippo, Filippo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The integration of Smart Grid technology and conceptual Industry 5.0 has paved the way for advanced energy management systems that enhance efficiency and revolutionized the parallel integration of power sources in a ...
    • Customizing ERP-systems: A framework to support the decision-making process 

      Hustad, Eli; Stensholt, Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are standardized software packages based on industry “best practice.” Despite this off-the-shelf property, most companies that implement an ERP system choose to customize the ...
    • Radio Map Estimation in the Real-World : Empirical Validation and Analysis 

      Shrestha, Raju; Ha, Tien Ngoc; Pham, Viet Quoc; Romero, Daniel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Radio maps quantify received signal strength or other magnitudes of the radio frequency environment at every point of a geographical region. These maps play a vital role in a large number of applications such as wireless ...
    • Voltage-Controlled High-Bandwidth Terahertz Oscillators Based on Antiferromagnets 

      Lund, Mike Alexander; Rodrigues, Davi R.; Everschor-Sitte, Karin; Hals, Kjetil Magne Dørheim (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Producing compact voltage-controlled frequency generators and sensors operating in the terahertz (THz) regime represents a major technological challenge. Here, we show that noncollinear antiferromagnets (NCAFM) with kagome ...
    • The battle against outsiderness: Translating gamer skills into corporate competencies 

      Øvensen, Elisabeth C. (Master thesis, 2024)
      Dette arbeidet hadde som formål å undersøke mulige løsninger til den økende mengden unge mennesker som faller utenfor arbeidslivet og utdanning. Arbeidet fulgte en pragmatisk og løsningsorientert fremgangsmåte, basert ...
    • Effective use of Augmented Reality to Support Reading for People with Dyslexia 

      Pettersen, André (Master thesis, 2024)
      As technology keeps getting developed it has the possibility to become more and more useful, and one such technology is augmented reality. This thesis examines the possibility of using augmented reality to assist dyslexic ...