Browsing Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications by Document Types "Doctoral thesis"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Adaptive Performance and Conflict Management in Multicultural Teams
(Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder;no. 517, Doctoral thesis, 2024)This study delves into the paradigm shift ushered in by the knowledge economy and its profound impact on organizational performance in the 21st century. As organizations navigate an increasingly complex and dynamic work ... -
"Det sitter i veggene" : materialitet og mennesker i distriktspsykiatriske sentra
(Doctoral thesis, 2009)ABSTRACT Title: “IT’S EMBEDDED IN THE WALLS” -Materiality and people in district psychiatric centres This dissertation examines the impact that the materiality of institutions has on patients and staff. Fieldwork has ... -
Feedbacksløyfer i teater for svært unge tilskuere. Et bidrag til en performativ teori og analyse
(Doctoral thesis, 2010)Feedback loops in theatre for very young audiences contributes to a performative theatre theory and performance analysis. Moreover, the dissertation explores an underexposed field in theatre studies: theatre for children ... -
Interpersonal communication during preoperative handover. Status of current practices and the effect of a desktop virtual reality intervention for learning handover skills in nursing education
(Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder; no. 489, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Background: When a patient undergoes surgery, a substantial exchange of information occurs among healthcare providers. Structured communication emerges as a crucial skill for healthcare professionals during patient transfers. ... -
Parents and nurses in a neonatal intensive care unit: the development of a mutual beneficial partnership in the care of the infant
(Series of dissertations submitted to the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo ;758, Doctoral thesis, 2009)”Foreldre og sykepleiere på en nyfødtavdeling - utvikling av et likeverdig partnerskap i omsorgen for barnet” Studien viser hvor viktig det er umiddelbart å involvere foreldre i omsorgen for det premature barnet, og at ... -
Towards New Avenues for Regional Industries: A Study on Regional Industrial Restructuring
(Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder;no. 486, Doctoral thesis, 2024)The point of departure for this dissertation is the need for many regional industries to change to cope with grand societal challenges. Such industrial restructuring includes changes within existing industries as well as ...