Feedbacksløyfer i teater for svært unge tilskuere. Et bidrag til en performativ teori og analyse
Original version
Böhnisch, S. (2010). Feedbacksløyfer i teater for svært unge tilskuere. Et bidrag til en performativ teori og analyse [Doktorgradsavhandling]. Aarhus Universitet.Abstract
Feedback loops in theatre for very young audiences contributes to a performative theatre theory and performance analysis. Moreover, the dissertation explores an underexposed field in theatre studies: theatre for children under three years of age – sometimes as young as six months old. My starting point has been the presumption that theatre artists receive productive challenges from such young audiences, and that aesthetic strategies in performances can be read as answers to such challenges. The study focuses on the significance of very young children’s pronounced presence as theatre audiences, in what I call a non-discreet audience style. The methodological aim has been to develop a mode of performance analysis, examining the spectators’ audible and visible contributions as a relevant part of the performance itself.