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dc.contributor.advisorGarmann-Johansen, Niels Frederik
dc.contributor.advisorGjøsæter, Terje
dc.contributor.authorNyland, Thomas Fakse
dc.contributor.authorSkar, Josef
dc.descriptionFull text not available
dc.description.abstractIn this master thesis we will explore two cases that originates from two companies owned by the same parent company. Both cases have been through the same digital transformation endeavour of introducing GitHub as their new version control system. We will attempt to uncover both positive and negative outcomes of introducing GitHub. We will look at GitHub as a digital technology but also acknowledge any potential surrounding routines that follow the introduction. The master thesis is initially introduced while we explain the environment and reason behind choosing our three research questions in the section of problem statement. We will briefly explain some important concepts and terminology that is important to understand the situation that both cases encompass. Following this, we go through the study’s limitation. We continue by laying down some contextual background information regarding the study. This part includes a detailed presentation of the cases from both «Green» and «Blue», owned by «Red». Detailed information regarding key concepts is also explained here. In the section of theory, we will detailly establish a field of exploration. These are the theories: digital transformation, business processes followed by knowledge management. We argue that these three concepts go hand in hand in conjunction with the two cases. In the section of research method, we describe the approach, method, and design that we have chosen for this study. Lastly, we present our data analysis and findings while emphasizing on the most important ones with respect to our theories and research questions.
dc.publisherUniversity of Agder
dc.titleIntroducing GitHub and how it affects the company
dc.typeMaster thesis

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