Likestilling i kommuneplanens samfunnsdel: hvor mye og for hvem?
The region of Lister in Agder is known for being latent and nonprogressive regarding equality compared to the rest of Norway. This master thesis studies four of the municipalities in the region of Lister and their plans for development towards equality. In this thesis we have examined the extent of deliberate focus regarding equality in the community part of the municipality’s master plan. The study is executed through a document study, and the analysis is done through content analysis and a custom tool for analysis which we created for the thesis. Our analysis specifies a universal group as well as four specific groups of interest; gender, disabled, lgbt+ and immigrants. The analysis also differentiates strategies in their depth as well as explicit and implicit recognition of groups. Our findings show that the strategies for the municipalities vary some, but the focus is primarily the same. All municipalities have prioritized the universal and/or the gender group. Most municipalities have chosen general strategies, except Hægebostad who relied more on specific strategies. The gender imbalance has been given some priority in the region, however the focus is primarily in relation to part-time work and childcare, which leaves out other aspects of equality and gendered expectations. Focus on men and childless women are predominantly missing, although Hægebostad has some strategies related to seeing men as caregivers. Disabled and immigrants are in some cases included, however the focus is either very narrow or general and all-encompassing. The lgbt+ group is largely omitted. This groups only mention is as an addition to a general statement. The region of Lister has a good base to understanding of equality, and a grand potential to make this an including region for all. However, if not understood as a problem and without taking action towards, it will be hard to create a more socially sustainable community.