Hvordan opplever studenter ved Universitetet i Agder forholdet til alkohol i fadderuken? Om fester, relasjoner og overskridelser
All colleges and universities (in Norway) organize an introduction week at the start of the autumn semester. Little research has been carried out on the consumption of alcohol during this week. However, there are many opinions as to how much students drink and how alcohol affects the activities during the week, both positively and negatively.
Aim and research question
The study has the following research question
How do students at University of Agder experience their relationship to alcohol consumption during the introduction week?
About parties, relationship and limits to behavior.
The purpose of this study is to acquire more knowledge about the introduction week, alcohol consumption during this week and how alcohol affects parties, relationships and limits to behavior.
I have used a qualitative method consisting of 10 in-depth interviews with students after completion of the Introductory Week. The interviews were carried out in the autumn of 2014
Alcohol played an important part in forming relationships during the Introductory Week. The subjects consumed more alcohol than they normally would, but not necessarily more at every party. Male subjects drank more than female subjects. Alcohol opened up for inclusion and fellowship. The subjects were at the same time focused on control both relating to behavior as well as consumption of alcohol. They did not experience any pressure to drink more than they wished and had a sense of loyalty to each other. Most experienced the arrangements and parties positive and inclusive, However, nine out of ten questioned whether alcohol had become too much of a focal point during the period. There were instances of excessive behavior both with respect to alcohol and sexuality. The subjects did not reflect negatively on the alcohol consumption of their peers, but accepted to a lesser extent that the second year guides would get drunk.
Key words: Introductory Week, alcohol, drinking pressure, control, drinking games, relationships, excessive behavior.
Masteroppgave psykisk helsearbeid- Universitetet i Agder, 2015