Hjelpeapparatets møte med grensesprengende ungdom : Hva skal til for å skape positiv endring hos grensesprengende ungdom?
Original version
Fjelde, B.H. (2021) Hjelpeapparatets møte med grensesprengende ungdom : Hva skal til for å skape positiv endring hos grensesprengende ungdom? (Master's thesis). University of Agder, Grimstad.Abstract
This master thesis focuses on youth with massive behavioral challenges and how the support system can avert systemic failures around adolescents with long term and complex auxiliary needs. It is estimated that 1-2 % of Norwegian children and adolescents are at high risk of developing serious and complex behavioral challenges (Nordahl & Læringssenteret, 2003, s. 9). The thesis focuses on how auxiliary devices can cooperate to slow down or reverse the negative development. To answer this, I have chosen the following issue: What does it take to create positive change for youth with massive behavioral challenges? […] My conclusion is that good relations and/or good cooperation are not sufficient if the work lacks planning and coordination. The work should be coordinated by a coordinator who can work long term, create a safe relationship, and due to the complexity of the work have coordination as the only role towards the youth. Keywords: youth, behavioral challenges, failure, relationship, cooperation, coordination.
Master's thesis in Psychosocial health (ME504)