Samarbeidsengasjement : «Samarbeid mellom kommunehelsetjenesten og spesialisthelsetjenesten om tjenesteyting til mennesker med utviklingshemming og samtidig psykiske lidelser; hva opplever de ansatte at skaper samarbeidsengasjement?»
Original version
Tronstad, C. M. & Netland, L. T. (2020) Samarbeidsengasjement : «Samarbeid mellom kommunehelsetjenesten og spesialisthelsetjenesten om tjenesteyting til mennesker med utviklingshemming og samtidig psykiske lidelser; hva opplever de ansatte at skaper samarbeidsengasjement?» (Master's thesis). University of Agder, Grimstad.Abstract
Background:The research is generally scarce related to people affected by the double-diagnosis intellectual disability and mental disorders. Most likely, due to diagnostic overshadowing, these users to a less degree receive necessary help from the psychiatric services. In addition, when help is yielded, it appears that co-operation between the first and second service-levels is poor. Problem to be addressed:In thisstudy we examine examples of good co-operation and throw light on the research-question: “Co-operation between the health services of the municipality level and the specialist level concerning help to persons affected by both intellectual disability and mental disorders; what do the professionals experience push their commitment for co-operation?” Method:A qualitative approach is selected, and four professionals from the municipality service-sector and three professionals from the specialist health-services were interviewed. Systematic Text Condensation (STC) was applied to analyze the interview-transcriptions. Results:The findings are divided into four main categories: (1) Attitudes of collaborative commitment, (2) Acts of collaborative commitment, (3) Collaborative commitment originated by a common user-focus, and (4) Reward forcollaborative commitment. Conclusion:The four findings interact, and subsequently describe what the informants expressed characterize the essence of collaborative commitment in thisgivencontext.
Master's thesis in Psychosocial health (ME504)