Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences
Recent Submissions
Activities, prerequisites, and outcomes of service coordination: A logic model for the ‘New Patterns’ intervention
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)In Norway, more than one in ten children grow up in low-income families. Persistent low income and its consequences are often transferred across generations, and coordinated cross-sectoral services are potentially part of ... -
Interpersonal communication during preoperative handover. Status of current practices and the effect of a desktop virtual reality intervention for learning handover skills in nursing education
(Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder; no. 489, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Background: When a patient undergoes surgery, a substantial exchange of information occurs among healthcare providers. Structured communication emerges as a crucial skill for healthcare professionals during patient transfers. ... -
Den blå hesten. Beretninger om likeverd og fellesskap
(Book, 2019)I mars 1973 skjedde det noe helt spesielt i havnebyen Trieste, nordøst i Italia. Bak en fire meter høy, lyseblå hest, laget av pappmasjé og treverk, gikk ansatte og pasienter ved byens store psykiatriske sykehus i tog ... -
Pasientforløp for personer med samtidig rusmiddellidelse og psykisk lidelse: En oppsummering av kunnskap
(Research report, 2018) -
Sosial kapital mellom generasjoner og nærmiljø : en kunnskapsoversikt
(NOVA Rapport;20/10, Journal article, 2010) -
Sosial eksklusjon
(NOVA Rapport;7/08, Chapter, 2008) -
Parents and nurses in a neonatal intensive care unit: the development of a mutual beneficial partnership in the care of the infant
(Series of dissertations submitted to the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo ;758, Doctoral thesis, 2009)”Foreldre og sykepleiere på en nyfødtavdeling - utvikling av et likeverdig partnerskap i omsorgen for barnet” Studien viser hvor viktig det er umiddelbart å involvere foreldre i omsorgen for det premature barnet, og at ... -
"Det sitter i veggene" : materialitet og mennesker i distriktspsykiatriske sentra
(Doctoral thesis, 2009)ABSTRACT Title: “IT’S EMBEDDED IN THE WALLS” -Materiality and people in district psychiatric centres This dissertation examines the impact that the materiality of institutions has on patients and staff. Fieldwork has ...