ERFARINGER MED TRAUMEBEVISST OMSORG I KOMMUNALE PSYKISK HELSE OG SOSIALE TJENESTER : En kvalitativ studie blant psykisk helsearbeidere i en kommune
Background The topic of the study is trauma informed care in municipal housing communities. Background for the choice of the theme is a desire to get more knowledge about trauma informed care in practice and how it unfolds in the housing that is included in BoGodt. With this background, we wish to focus on the experiences of employees with trauma informed care for disadvantaged adults in municipal housing communities. The findings of the study are discussed in light of the trauma informed approach.
Selection and method Qualitative study with focus group interview. RvtsSør has developed the competence-boosting program "BoGodt", specially adapted to the municipality's follow-up service. The selection is employees who have participated in "BoGodt" and at the same time are working in homes for disadvantaged people. A hermeneutic-phenomenological analysis has been used, inspired by Giorgi.
Issue and purpose The study highlights the experiences of employees in their professional practice in light of trauma informed care. The purpose of the study is to gain increased knowledge of trauma informed care in practice in relation to adults disadvantaged. Better follow-up for elderly disadvantaged.
The employees in the municipalities have had a common professional position based on TBO. In order to practice TBO, it is necessary to focus on self-reflection and there must be a safe culture in the workplace that safeguards the mental health of the employees. Reflection on professional practice is important in order to do a good job together.
Conclusion TBO is simply common sense that needs to be systematized in order to perform in practice. As an environmental therapist to traumatized, one must continuously focus on their own feelings, reactions and how they affect the environment. Management in Health and Social Services should facilitate time for reflection on employee occupational practices to prevent employees from experiencing stress injuries as a result of working closely with traumatized. This can lead to sickness absence. This study indicates the need for more knowledge about employees experience in relation to traumatized adults. This study seeks more detention of employees working closely with traumatized and their mental health.
Keywords Trauma informed care, mental health -and social services, living communities, disadvantaged
Masteroppgave psykisk helsearbeid ME504 - Universitetet i Agder 2018