Hvordan påvirkes arbeidsprosesser ved innføring av EPJ og velferdsteknologi på sykehjem
In order to be better equipped in the challenges of the future, with an increasing number of elderly and fewer professionals to care for them, the government emphasizes the importance of service innovation in the healthcare sector. Change is required to gain socioeconomic benefits, particularly in work processes. More frequent and better use of electronic medical record (EMR) and welfare technology is necessary. The purpose of this study was to bring information and knowledge about how using technology in the nursing homes has transformed the work processes. Qualitative, exploratory method with semi-structured interviews has been used. The informants consist of employees at several different nursing homes. Selection criteria are experience with both paper and EMR documentation and welfare technology. This study finds that EMR and welfare technology is a part of the daily work processes in nursing homes today, and that this leads to better care and safety for the residents. The study also shows the need for comprehensive integrated solutions between EMR and welfare technology, and across institutions. Finally, it shows the need of standardization of ethical evaluation procedures. The work processes need to be continually studied, because the technology is evolving fast and the organizations are trailing behind. More research on nursing homes with fully integrated EMR and welfare technology, and the interaction between institutions is needed.
Key words: work processes, nursing homes, EMR, EHR, EPR, welfare technology
Masteroppgave i helse- og sosialinformatikk HSI500 - Universitetet i Agder 2018