Meldingsovervåkning – en sikkerhet ved sending av elektroniske henvisninger : En kvantitativ studie om ulike faktorers påvirkning på meldingsovervåkning av elektroniske henvisninger fra legekontor
Using electronic messages is a necessary tool for healthcare providers to be able to perform their work more efficiently. Regarding this, it is very important to maintain an overview and control of the messages that is transmitted between the participants. In order to ensure that a business has procedures for handling application receipts related to electronic messaging, there is a regulatory requirement for how the business should perform this work, both organizational and technical.
The purpose of this study is to gain insight into how doctor’s offices in Agder comply with the requirements imposed by the Norwegian Directorate of Health, for monitoring electronic messages.
A quantitative survey based on some of the Directorate's requirements was created. The questions are categorized within the dimensions of DeLone and McLean's updated success model for information systems from 2003. The survey was distributed by email to respondents at doctor’s offices in Agder, which had agreed to participate in the study.
75% of the respondents chose to complete the survey. Respondents were obtained from approximately 1/3 of the doctor’s offices in Agder. The study shows that in general, good practices have been developed for monitoring electronic messaging. The amount of responsibility the respondents have in connection with the monitoring, and how they have defined the internal responsibility for follow-up of the application receipts, does differ. It appears that there is a difference in how visible application receipts appear depending on the EHR, and that there is a spread in how user-friendly respondents experience the EHR.
The study concludes that the majority of users experience electronic referrals as an efficient tool that raises the quality of work. The factors in the study affect the doctor’s office's message monitoring of electronic references to varying degrees. Those who stand out are expertise, internal responsibility and the usability of the journal system.
Keywords: Electronic messaging, electronic referral, message monitoring, application receipt, doctor’s office, IS success, message exchange, EHR messaging.
Masteroppgave i helse- og sosialinformatikk HSI500 - Universitetet i Agder 2018