Er e-læring riktig kurs? : hva mener de ansatte?
E-learning has become an important part of the training of employees in health organizations.
Successful e-learning requires, co-operation, good interaction between educational tools,
organizational culture and technology. An important precondition for achieving this good
interaction is to focus on the education and organization and not so much on the technology
itself. This study aims to find out what employees think and believe about e-learning. The
following question is the basis for this study: «How do employees at Sørlandet Hospital HF
evaluate e-learning courses, and are they likely to be positive to use e-learning courses in
Læringsportalen again?»
To answer the question, a quantitative method has been used based on a research model
developed by Dr. Ming-Chi Lee at National Pingtung University in Taiwan. His research
instrument was translated and used in the survey. The instrument consists of 31 statements
that the respondents should consider. In addition, the respondents were asked to evaluate the
e-learning course they had just completed. The questionnaire was linked to six different elearning
courses in the Læringsportalen for a period of eight weeks.
There were 115 respondents who completed the entire survey and thus form the basis for the
data analysis. The findings show a general positive attitude towards e-learning both from the
respondents' evaluation of the various statements and the current e-learning course.
The study shows that the research model can provide answers to the question concerning
employees' attitude towards e-learning. The results and the statistical analyzes selected
indicate that employees at Sørlandet Hospital HF are positive to Læringsportalen. This may
imply that employees are also likely to be positive to undertake new e-learning courses.
Competence, e-learning, employees, hospital, learning management system, attitude,
continuance intention
Masteroppgave i helse- og sosialinformatikk HSI500 - Universitetet i Agder 2017