Sammenhengen mellom psykologisk resiliens, opplevd tilhørighet, motivasjonsklima og videre deltakelse i organisert idrett: En to-årig prospektiv studie
Background and purpose: This study aims to investigate the relationship between
psychological resilience, sense of belonging and motivational climate in adolescents
involved in organized sports. Second, it seeks to explore whether psychological
resilience, sense of belonging and motivational climate could predict further sportparticipation
for adolescent two years later.
Method: The collection of data for the survey was conducted in spring 2014, and in
spring 2016. A total of 961 adolescents, from schools in Agder, Oslo/Akershus and
Østfold, completed the questionnaire survey for the study. A common denominator was
that they participated in organized sport. In the first data collection they were in 8th
grade in lower secondary school or 1st year in upper secondary school. Correlation
matrices and logistic regression were used to investigate the goals of the study.
Results: The results showed that adolescents who continued to participate in organized
sports after two years, had higher level of psychological resilience, experienced higher
sense of belonging and task oriented motivational climate, compared to those
adolescents who dropped out. The study found that there were significant positive
correlations between psychological resilience, sense of belonging and task oriented
motivation climate. Futhermore, there was a significant negative correlation between
performance-oriented motivational climate and sense of belonging in both groups of
adolescents. The logistical regression analysis showed that sense of belonging was the
only significant predictor for further participation in sports. The findings in this study
are discussed based on relevant theory and previous research.
Key words: organized sport, psychological resilience, sense of belonging, motivational
climate, sport participation, adolescents
Masteroppgave idrettsvitenskap ME517 - Universitetet i Agder 2017