Barn og unge i familieterapi : en litteraturstudie om hvordan barn og unge opplever å være deltager i familieterapi
The aim of this paper is to bring forth knowledge about children and young people's statements about how it is to be a participant in family therapy. To work out and produce this knowledge a literature review has been used as method. An extensive search was conducted in different databases. It turned out to be little research in this field of research. The articles this study is based on are all English, and concerns children and young people's statements about their experience of being participants in family therapy. There are a total of 7 articles included in this study, with participants from 5 to 22 years. The findings of this study are interpreted in an integrated theoretical perspective that includes: social constructivism, positivism, as well as thoughts and ideas based on the authors Lev Semjonovitsj Vygotsky, Jean Piaget and Donald W. Winnicott. The findings of this study are based on statements from children and young people, and are summarized in five subjects that relate to; their experiences of why they were in family therapy, experience of inclusion and exclusion, perception of their participation experiences in relation to the environment, and experiences of the therapist in family therapy.In the development of findings, another theme emerged; it deals with the therapist’s choice of methodological approach. Based on the presented findings, the conclusion of this study is that there is a great need for a facilitated methodical approach for children and young people in family therapy. Keywords: Children and young people, family therapy, social constructivism, language, play, facilitated methodical approach
Masteroppgave i psykisk helsearbeid ME504 Universitetet i Agder 2014