Lifestyle interventions as a way to self-reliance : palliative kreftpasienters erfaringer med å delta i livsstilsintervensjoner mens de er under kjemoterapibehandling
Background: Palliative cancer patients face many challenges. Thus, many patients need help in order to cope with their situation. Lifestyle interventions appear promising with regard to their potential for health benefits and as an empowerment tool for cancer patients. However, documentation about how palliative cancer patients experience participation in lifestyle interventions during active cancer treatment remains poor. Purpose and research questions: The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge about how palliative cancer patients experience participation in lifestyle interventions while receiving chemotherapy. The research questions were “What experiences do palliative cancer patients have regarding participation in lifestyle interventions while receiving chemotherapy treatment?” and “Does participation in lifestyle interventions affect palliative cancer patients' coping abilities?” Selection and method: A qualitative design with semi-structured interviews of 7 palliative cancer patients was used. Data was analyzed according to a qualitative content analysis within a hermeneutic approach. Results: Participation 1) motivates patients to adopt a healthier lifestyle, 2) helps patients take on a more active role and 3) makes patients confident. In relation to the organizational aspects of the study, two important aspects emerged: 1) A desire for a more practical approach to the interventions and 2) a desire of being together with patients in the same situation. Conclusion: Participation in lifestyle interventions while receiving chemotherapy treatment is valued by palliative cancer patients, and may strengthen their coping abilities. However, the organizational aspects of the interventions have to improve in order to minimize the possibility to cause increased strain to the patient’s situation. Keywords: cancer, palliative care, lifestyle intervention, coping, qualitative study
Masteroppgave i helsefag ME 518 Universitetet i Agder 2013